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Structural Research of Antiporters


Antiporters are a type of membrane transport protein that can move two different types of molecules or ions in opposite directions across a cell membrane. Structural research on antiporters has progressed rapidly in recent years, aided by the development of advanced techniques such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations.

Some of the key findings from structural research on antiporters include the identification of specific amino acid residues that are critical for their function, the elucidation of their transport mechanism, and the discovery of novel antiporter structures with distinct properties.

For example, recent studies have revealed the crystal structures of several antiporters, including the lactose permease, the sodium/proton exchanger NhaA, and the chloride/proton exchanger ClC-ec1. These structures have provided valuable insights into the molecular basis of antiporter function, such as how they recognize and bind their substrates, and how they undergo conformational changes to transport them across the membrane.

Overall structure of Mrp Na+/H+ antiporter.Figure 1. Overall structure of Mrp Na+/H+ antiporter. (Lee Y, et al., 2022)

ProteinOrganismMethodResolutionPDB Entry ID
NhaA Na+/H+ antiporter (expressed in E. coli)Escherichia coliX-ray diffraction3.45 Å1ZCD
NhaA dimer modelEscherichia coliElectron Crystallography7.00 Å3FI1
NhaA dimer, crystallised at low pH (expressed in E. coli)Escherichia coliX-ray diffraction3.70 Å4AU5
Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA at pH 6.5 (expressed in E. coli)Escherichia coliX-ray diffraction2.20 Å7S24
NapA Na+/H+ antiporter (expressed in E. coli)Thermus thermophilusX-ray diffraction2.98 Å4BWZ
NapA Na+/H+ antiporter, outward facing (expressed in E. coli)Thermus thermophilusX-ray diffraction2.30 Å5BZ3
NhaP Na+/H+ antiporter, pH 8 (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus abyssiX-ray diffraction3.15 Å4CZ8
NhaP1 Na+/H+ antiporter, pH 8 (expressed in E. coli)Methanocaldococcus jannaschiiX-ray diffraction3.50 Å4CZB
Mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in complex with carboxyatractylosideBos taurusX-ray diffraction2.20 Å1OKC
Mitochondrial ADP/ATP CarrierBos taurusX-ray diffraction2.80 Å2C3E
Mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier isoform 2 inhibited by carboxyatractyloside (C2221 crystal form) (expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)Saccharomyces cerevisiaeX-ray diffraction2.49 Å4C9G
Mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier, bongkrekic acid-inhibited (expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)Thermothelomyces thermophilusX-ray diffraction3.30 Å6GCI
UCP2 mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 (expressed in E. coli)Mus musculusSolution NMR/2LCK
Multiple resistance & pH adaptation (Mrp) complex Na+/H+ antiporter (expressed in E. coli)Dietzia sp. DQ12-45-1bCryo-EM single particle analysis3.00 Å7D3U
Multiple resistance & pH adaptation (Mrp) complex Na+/H+ antiporter (expressed in E. coli)Alkalihalobacillus pseudofirmusCryo-EM single particle analysis2.24 Å7QRU
Na+/H+ exchanger NHE9 (SLC9A9), inward-facing conformation (expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)Equus caballusCryo-EM single particle analysis3.51 Å6Z3Y
Na+/H+ exchanger NHA2 (SLC9B2) in detergent with N-terminal extension helix (expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)Bison bisonCryo-EM single particle analysis3.15 Å7P1I
Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1-CHP1 complex, under pH 7.5 (expressed in HEK293 cells)Homo sapiensCryo-EM single particle analysis3.30 Å7DSW

Table 1. Structural Research of Antiporters.

At Creative Biostructure, we specialize in providing high-quality structural biology solutions to support drug discovery, protein engineering, and basic research. Our team of experienced scientists is skilled in a wide range of techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, electron crystallography, cryo-EM single-particle analysis and protein NMR spectroscopy.

Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you require full-service structural biology support, project-specific expertise, or technology transfer to your own team. We are committed to delivering timely, accurate results and maintaining open communication throughout the project. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or to discuss your project in more detail.


  1. Winkelmann I, et al. Crystal structure of the Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA at active pH reveals the mechanistic basis for pH sensing. Nature Communications. 2022, 13(1): 6383.
  2. Lee Y, et al. Ion transfer mechanisms in Mrp-type antiporters from high resolution cryoEM and molecular dynamics simulations. Nature Communications. 2022, 13(1): 6091.
  3. Matsuoka R, et al. Structure, mechanism and lipid-mediated remodeling of the mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger NHA2. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2022, 29(2): 108-120.
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