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Structural Research of Cyclin M/CorC Family of Mg2+ Transporters


Mg2+ is an essential cation involved in numerous biological processes, such as enzymatic reactions, gene expression, and cellular signaling. To maintain the homeostasis of Mg2+ ions, bacteria have evolved specific transport systems. One of the most important families of Mg2+ transporters is the Cyclin M (CNNM)/CorC family. In humans, CNNM proteins have been implicated in a range of biological processes, including the absorption and reabsorption of Mg2+ ions and genetic disorders.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding the structural basis of these transporters. The researchers used X-ray crystallography to determine the crystal structure of the Mg2+-bound CorC TM domain dimer, which has a unique Mg2+ binding site that allows it to recognize and transport magnesium ions. In addition, the structures of the CorC cytoplasmic region containing its regulatory ATP-binding domain were also determined. Through a combination of structural and functional analyses, not only has the potential interface between the TM and cytoplasmic domains been identified, but it has also been demonstrated that ATP binding is crucial for the Mg2+ export activity of CorC.

Mg2+ binding site of TpCorC.Figure 1. Mg2+ binding site of TpCorC. (Huang Y, et al., 2021)

ProteinOrganismMethodResolutionPDB Entry ID
CNNM/CorC family Mg2+ transporter transmembrane domain in complex with Mg2+ (expressed in E. coli)Thermus parvatiensisX-ray diffraction3.20 Å7CFG
CNNM/CorC family Mg2+ transporter, C-terminal deletion in complex with Mg2+-ATP (expressed in E. coli)Methanoculleus thermophilusX-ray diffraction3.26 Å7M1T

Table 1. Structural Research of CNNM/CorC Family of Mg2+ Transporters.

At Creative Biostructure, we offer a range of protein structural analysis services that can be applied to the CNNM/CorC family of Mg2+ transporters. Our services include X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, cryo-electron microscopy, and computational modeling. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced scientists who can provide customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. With our services, clients can gain insights into the structural basis of these transporters and use this information to develop new therapies for bacterial infections.

We have several advantages that set us apart from other protein structural analysis companies. Firstly, we have state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest technologies, allowing us to provide high-quality data with rapid turnaround times. Secondly, we have a team of scientists with diverse expertise and extensive experience in structural biology, ensuring that we can tackle even the most challenging projects. Thirdly, we offer flexible and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients, ensuring that they get the most out of our services.

If you are interested in exploring the structural research of the CNNM/CorC family, please don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about how we can assist you in your scientific endeavors.


  1. Huang Y, et al. Structural basis for the Mg2+ recognition and regulation of the CorC Mg2+ transporter. Science Advances. 2021, 7(7): eabe6140.
  2. Chen Y S, et al. Crystal structure of an archaeal CorB magnesium transporter. Nature Communications. 2021, 12(1): 4028.
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