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Exosome Gene Verification Service

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The analysis of exosome contents is usually carried out by advanced technologies such as high-throughput sequencing or protein quantitative mass spectrometry. High-throughput sequencing is an efficient method for identifying genes that are differentially expressed in exosomes under different conditions or disease states. Once the differentially expressed genes are identified by sequencing technology, the next key step is to verify and further study these genes. Creative Biostructure provides high-quality exosome gene verification services, using advanced quantitative PCR (qPCR) technology and strict experimental procedures to ensure accurate detection and verification of the expression levels of target genes in exosomes, providing reliable support for customers.

Importance of Exosome Gene Verification

Qualitative and quantitative verification of differentially expressed genes is to confirm whether the expression level of the gene in exosomes is indeed significantly different from that in the control group. This step usually involves the use of real-time fluorescence qPCR or other molecular biology techniques to accurately measure the mRNA level of the target gene. This verification not only helps to verify the accuracy of high-throughput data, but also lays the foundation for subsequent functional studies.

Real-time qPCR is a powerful tool for analyzing gene expression in exosomes. It provides a fast, accurate, and highly sensitive method to quantify changes in gene expression by detecting the mRNA levels of specific genes in different samples. In exosome research, qPCR can help determine whether the target gene is specifically enriched or reduced in exosomes and can be used to compare the expression differences between disease states and normal conditions. This technology relies on highly specific primer design and advanced fluorescent labeling systems, so that even very trace amounts of exosomal RNA can be reliably measured.

Figure 1. Visual representation of gene enrichment assessed through RT-qPCR.Figure 1. Gene enrichment analysis by RT-qPCR. (Zheng R, et al., 2022)

Our Workflow for Exosome Gene Verification

Creative Biostructure provides a streamlined exosome gene verification service that covers every step of the verification process, from exosome extraction to data analysis. Our service includes the following steps:

  1. Exosome Extraction and Purification: Exosomes are first isolated and purified from samples using methods such as ultracentrifugation, filtration concentration, kit-based precipitation, or magnetic bead techniques. This ensures high-quality, concentrated exosomes for analysis.
  2. RNA Extraction: Once purified, we extract total RNA from the exosomes using highly efficient methods that yield sufficient RNA for downstream experiments, ensuring robust results in the subsequent steps.
  3. cDNA Synthesis: The extracted RNA is then converted into complementary DNA (cDNA) through reverse transcription, preparing it for accurate gene expression analysis.
  4. Primer Design: Specific primer pairs are designed based on the sequence of the target gene. One or more internal reference genes are also selected to serve as controls, ensuring accurate normalization of results.
  5. qPCR Amplification and Data Analysis: Using pre-designed primer pairs and fluorescently labeled probes, we conduct qPCR amplification to detect and quantify the target gene expression. Relative expression levels are calculated by comparing Ct values between different samples, providing precise gene expression data.

Figure 2. Graphical display of the amplification and melting curves for cel-miR-39.Figure 2. Amplification curve and melting curve of cel-miR-39. (Creative Biostructure)

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Why Choose Creative Biostructure?

  • High RNA Extraction Efficiency: We use advanced methods to extract RNA from exosomes, ensuring high yield and RNA integrity, which supports accurate analysis.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: Our streamlined experimental procedures shorten project completion time, allowing researchers to accelerate their studies without extended delays.
  • Professional Team Support: Clients benefit from comprehensive technical support provided by our experienced specialists, ensuring expert management of all project stages and offering valuable insights throughout the research process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My sample size is very small, can I still perform effective genetic verification?

    We use efficient extraction methods to successfully complete high-quality genetic verification even with limited sample size.

  • What types of samples are suitable for exosome gene verification service?

    It is suitable for various biological fluid samples, such as plasma, urine, and cell culture supernatant. Additionally, it is appropriate for a range of samples, including animal and plant tissues.

  • What information is included in the final report?

    The final report includes detailed data on gene expression levels, amplification curves, and statistical analyses, providing a comprehensive overview of the findings.

Creative Biostructure offers premium services in the field of exosome research, leveraging our expertise to tailor solutions that align with your specific requirements. For more information or to obtain a comprehensive pricing breakdown, please contact us.

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  1. Zheng R, Zhang K, Tan S, et al. Exosomal circLPAR1 functions in colorectal cancer diagnosis and tumorigenesis through suppressing BRD4 via METTL3-eIF3h interaction. Molecular Cancer. 2022. 21(1): 49.
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