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Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF) Service


Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy (TIRFM), also known as evanescent wave or evanescent field microscopy, allows selective excitation of fluorophores (e.g., GFP, membrane dyes, fluorochromes) in an aqueous environment remarkably close to a solid surface (within r100 nm), at a high refractive.

TIRFM allows the excitation of fluorophores in an extremely thin axial region ('optical section'). The TIRFM technique is based on the principle that when excitation light is completely reflected internally at the solid-liquid interface, an electromagnetic field, called the evanescent wave, will be generated in the liquid phase with the same frequency as the excitation light. As the intensity of the evanescent wave exponentially decays with distance from the surface of the solid, only fluorescent molecules within a few hundred nanometers of the solid are efficiently excited.

Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM) ServiceFigure 1. The physical basis of TIRF

TIRFM produces wide-field images with extremely low background fluorescence, which makes TRIF a powerful tool for a wide range of cell biological characterizations:

  • Cell adhesion and receptor kinetics
  • Molecule transport and secretory granule tracking
  • Exocytotic and endocytotic processes
  • Cytoplasmic filaments

Creative Biostructure provides quality TIRFM services with the following advantages:

  • Superb background rejection
  • Improved signal-to-noise ratio
  • Low phototoxicity
  • High speed and sensitivity

Creative Biostructure promises to work closely with customers. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

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  1. Guo M, et al. Single-shot super-resolution total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Nature Methods. 2018, 15(6): 425-428.
  2. Mattheyses A L, Simon S M, Rappoport J Z. Imaging with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for the cell biologist. Journal of Cell Science. 2010, 123(21): 3621-3628.
  3. Axelrod D, Burghardt T P, Thompson N L. Total internal reflection fluorescence. Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering. 1984, 13(1): 247-268.
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