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Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED)


The diffraction technique is a common method for crystal structure determination. The diffraction pattern of each crystal is unique and acts like a "fingerprint" of the crystal, which can be used to determine the corresponding crystal structure. Diffraction techniques can be divided into single crystal diffraction and powder diffraction according to the sample and shooting scheme. The commonly used techniques for the determination of crystal structures are X-ray diffraction (X-Ray Diffraction, or XRD) and microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED). XRD has a higher requirement for the sample, which needs to have a single crystal and high crystallinity. MicroED emits a shorter wavelength electron beam with stronger diffraction, which is significantly more efficient than traditional XRD technology. MicroED technology is very suitable for structural analysis of drug molecules or natural products with few samples and only nanocrystals available.

Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED)

The advantages of MicroED:

  1. The demand of samples (usually one over ten of single crystal training sample can produce nanocrystalline), to obtain high quality of the diffraction data, greatly reduces the single crystal culture demand for sample quantity, very fit some few samples weight synthetic drugs or natural products, for the structure of synthetic drugs or natural products analysis provides a new way.
  2. The crystal size requirements are relatively low. Nanocrystals can meet the test requirements without growing into a single crystal. Crystals interact with electrons much more strongly than they do with X-rays, so much smaller crystals can be analyzed. Crystals much smaller than 100 nm can be easily analyzed. This can significantly shorten the sample preparation process and allow the analysis of crystals that are too small to be analyzed by other diffraction methods.
  3.  The time of data collection is short, and the tertiary structure with atomic resolution can be obtained.

Creative Biostructure has a lab dedicated to protein structure analysis with many years of experience. We have optimized the MicroED method from 3D electron crystallography to improve the resolution of electron diffraction data. A new generation of MicroED platform has been developed, which can realize multiple sample loading, automatic crystal identification, automatic collection of diffraction data and other functions, and strive to create a high-throughput, high-precision diffraction platform; We will establish cooperative relationships with various electron microscopy centers around the world to respond to customer needs.

MicroED Services at Creative Biostructure

Creative Biostructure's MicroED Technology Services Scope:

  • Personalized services. We can solve your specific needs in terms of drug property analysis, quality control, patent protection, etc.
  • We can process the crystal powder into samples that can be identified and targeted by electron microscopy, and collect multiple sets of electron diffraction patterns.
  • In the face of composite standard electron diffraction patterns, we can analyze the crystal structure of a protein or drug as much as possible.

If you are interested in our MicroED service, please feel free to contact us. Creative Biostructure looks forward to cooperating with you.

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