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Stable-Isotope Aided NMR Service


Stable isotopes are a class of non-radioactive isotopes that exist naturally in living organisms. Their atomic nucleus structure is stable and does not spontaneously emit rays that would alter the nuclear structure. It has been successfully introduced into several research fields in biology, such as the study of photosynthetic pathways, light energy utilization, plant water utilization, material metabolism, biomass changes, etc. Creative Biostructure provides stable isotope-aided NMR methods that can be applied in many fields such as chemistry, biology, and medicine. We can introduce stable isotope labeling into a compound at a specific location as a unique marker for the labeled element in the compound. It allows the position of the label to be tracked during the reaction to identify the structure of intermediates and end products.

The main principle is that the stable isotopes of the main elements that make up an organism show resonance absorption phenomena in the presence of an external magnetic field, resulting in a peak on the NMR energy spectrum, and the position of this peak is characterized as the nucleus species. When the magnetic field strength is constant, we can detect the isotopes on different groups in the organism sample according to the frequency of the RF electric field at the time of resonance. Depending on the peak height, the content can also be determined.

NMR structures of SAIL proteins.Figure 1. NMR structures of SAIL proteins. (Miyanoiri, Y.; et al. 2016)

Practical Applications

  • Accurate structure determination of large proteins.
  • Protein dynamics studies such as aromatic ring flipping motions, hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates, conformational analysis, and disulfide bond dynamics.
  • Tracking of active metabolic processes, identification of key biomarkers, and key major metabolic pathways.
  • Kinetic studies of biological targets of interest, such as membrane proteins and larger protein complexes.
  • Studies of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions.

The continuous advances in stable-isotope aided NMR methods continue to provide the driving force for the development of novel NMR strategies for structural biology studies of proteins. Creative Biostructure, as an expert in this field, provides our customers with stable-isotope aided NMR technology service to help you analyze the structures, dynamics, and interactions of your target proteins. We are confident that it can help you make discoveries in many more areas. Please feel free to contact us to carry out your relevant research.

Ordering Process

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  1. Miyanoiri, Y.; et al. Stable-isotope-aided NMR spectroscopy. In: Webb G. (eds) Modern Magnetic Resonance. Springer, 2016, Cham. 1-18.
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