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Exosomal RNA Sequencing


Creative Biostructure provides support for your biomarker profiling and screening from various aspects. Exosomes carry markers of cells of origin and can be used as biomarkers of systemic response to infection and/or disease progression. We offer efficient solutions and a full range of services for exosome analysis. Creative Biostructure established cutting-edge exospmal RNA sequencing platform, allowing to get more details for exosome characterization and aid in disease diagnosis.

The Importance of Exosomal RNA Sequencing

Exosomes mainly contain short RNA, such as mRNA and miRNA, and little or no ribosomal RNA, which differs from that of cellular RNA. Exosomes can transfer these RNAs to achieve cell-to-cell communication, regardless of the distance between the cells. Exosome-mediated RNA transfer plays an important role in cell signal transduction. The study of RNAs in exosomes not only offers new insights into the functions of exosomes, but also provides a promise for exosomes as biomarkers for diseases or to be used as vectors in gene therapy. The next-generation sequencing is a powerful tool for characterization of exosomal RNAs.

Exosomal RNA Sequencing Service

Creative Biostructure is equipped with the cutting-edge devices and the first-class experts. We are devoted to solving any tough questions in your project and providing accurate and reliable results. The experimental workflow of exosomal RNA sequencing analysis involves 4 steps:

  • Exosome isolation and enrichment. We provide various methods for exosome isolation including ultracentrifugation and extraction kit. We can deal with a full range of samples, such as serum, cell culture supernatant, urine, saliva or any other fluid.
  • RNA isolation. Our experts offer optimal solutions for high quality RNA isolation.
  • RNA library preparation and next-generation sequencing. With years of experience in RNA sequencing, Creative Biostructure offers specialized methods for little contaminations and higher percentage of usable exosomal RNA sequence reads.
  • RNA-Seq data processing, alignment and analysis. We provide abundance difference analysis, family analysis, comparative analysis, and conservative analysis of mRNAs and miRNAs.

Exosomal RNA Sequencing ServiceFigure 1 Flow chart for evaluation of exosomal RNAs from cell-free sera as biomarkers for human diseases. (Prendergast et al., 2018)

Creative Biostructure offers high-quality exosomal RNA sequencing analysis service, which contributes to a better understanding of exosome-mediated biological functions and mechanisms. We pride to provide tailored protocols to meet the diverse requirements of our customers and guarantee the success of each project. Please contact us for more details and find out how it helps your research.

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  1. Huang et al. Characterization of human plasma-derived exosomal RNAs by deep sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2013, 14: 319.
  2. Prendergast E. N.; et al. Optimizing exosomal RNA isolation for RNASeq analyses of archival sera specimens. PLOS One. 2018, 13(5): e0196913
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