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Quantitative NMR Service


In addition to the analysis of chemical structures of compounds, NMR can also be used as a quantitative analysis method, i.e., quantitative NMR (qNMR) technique. qNMR technique has its unique advantages over classical HPLC, LC-MS, and GC-MS methods. The technique has been applied to drug quality control, new drug development, control studies, metabolomics, and polymer composition analysis.

qNMR operates by mixing a known number of standards with a known number of compounds. The integral of the standard peak corresponds to a known amount of hydrogen (H), which can then be used to compare with the integral of the peak in the sample.

Analyte identification, purity determination, and quantitation by qHNMR.Figure 1. Analyte identification, purity determination, and quantitation by qHNMR. (Charlotte, S.; et al. 2014)

Creative Biostructure offers simple, fast, and highly specific qNMR service for a wide range of research areas, allowing the selective determination of components in compounded drugs or pharmaceutical preparations and even stereoisomers of drugs. In addition, qNMR includes quantitative services for a variety of nuclei such as 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 19F NMR, 17O NMR, and 31P NMR. This can meet customers' research needs for potency determination, absolute purity assessment of compounds, identification testing, solvent residues, moisture content analysis, relative response factor calculation, etc.

Analytical Procedures

Analytical Procedures

Technical Features and Advantages

  • Generally, no separation is required. Samples are non-destructive and can be recovered after the experiment is completed.
  • Non-selective, general-purpose detection, i.e., any H-containing sample can be detected.
  • The homonuclear/heteronuclear 2D NMR technique can provide structural information of compounds and can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of compounds.
  • The experimental procedure does not require the drawing of a standard curve and is suitable for the quantification of components for which controls are not readily available.
  • The sample preparation is simple and the instrumental detection is fast, which is especially suitable for unstable compounds.


  • Identification and purity testing of pure ingredients such as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients.
  • Identification and potency testing of drug product intermediates during product development and stability testing.
  • Identification and potency testing as part of release and stability studies of drug product intermediates and final products.
  • Concentration determination of components in mixtures (solids, solutions, or suspensions).

Creative Biostructure is always optimizing our project service system so that we can deliver the required level of service and turnaround time to our customers with quality and quantity. So, you can fully trust us to provide qNMR service. Please feel free to contact us to accelerate your research.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Simmler C.; et al. Universal quantitative NMR analysis of complex natural samples. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2014, 25: 51-59.
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