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Off-The-Shelf VLP Products


Creative Biostructure provides highly purified virus-like particle (VLP) products for research use only. Some of our off-the-shelf VLP products are listed below and are ready for immediate worldwide delivery. We have extensive experience in the production of VLPs and can offer different forms of VLPs, such as dimer or capsid protein, depending on the experimental objectives of our customers.

Cat.No. Product Name Source Price
CBS-V946 New HPV39 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V947 New HPV68 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V948 New HPV59 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V949 New HPV56 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V950 New HPV51 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V951 New HPV35 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V952 New COVID-19 VLP (M; S; E Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V953 New COVID-19 VLP (M; N; S; E Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V955 New COVID-19 VLP (S; Null Protein) Pseudotyped lentivirus Inquiry
CBS-V925 New COVID-19 VLP (M; N; S; E Proteins) HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V926 New COVID-19 VLP (S; GFP Protein) Pseudotyped lentivirus Inquiry
CBS-V927 New COVID-19 VLP (S; Luciferase) Pseudotyped lentivirus Inquiry
CBS-V562 Canine parvovirus virus VLP (VP2 Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V065 Chikungunya Virus VLP (E1, E2, C Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V067 Dengue Virus Serotype 1 VLP (E, M, preM Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V069 Dengue Virus Serotype 2 VLP (E, M, preM Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V068 Dengue Virus Serotype 3 VLP (E, M, preM Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V066 Dengue Virus Serotype 4 VLP (E, M, preM Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V601-M New Ebola virus VLP (GP, NP, Matrix proteins) HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V061 Ebola virus VLP (GP, NP, VP 40 Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V635 HPV11 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V641 HPV16 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V642 HPV18 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V645 HPV31 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V646 HPV33 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V633 HPV45 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V647 HPV52 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V648 HPV58 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V634 HPV6 VLP (L1 Proteins) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V661 JEV VLP (prM; E Proteins) HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V084 Lassa virus VLP lineage II (Z, GPC, NP) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V085 Lassa virus VLP lineage III (Z, GPC, NP) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V086 Lassa virus VLP lineage IV (Z, GPC, NP) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V062 Marburg (Musoke) virus VLP (GP, NP, VP40 Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V928 New Mayaro Virus VLP (E1; E2; Caspid) HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V702 New Norovirus GI.1 VLP (VP1 Protein) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V701 New Norovirus GII.6 VLP (VP1 Protein) Yeast recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V930 New Parvovirus B19 VLP (VP1) E. coli recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V088-C New Parvovirus B19 VLP (VP1, VP2) Co-Capsid Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V087 Parvovirus B19 VLP (VP2) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V070 Parvovirus VLP (VP2, conformational epitopes, VP1) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V931 New Rose River Virus VLP HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V929 New Rubella Virus VLP (E1; E2; Caspid) HEK293 Inquiry
CBS-V064 Sudan virus VLP (GP, NP, VP40 Proteins) Insect cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V063 Zika Virus VLP (E, prM/M Proteins) Mammalian cell recombinant Inquiry
CBS-V063-M New Zika Virus VLP (E, prM; M Proteins) HEK293 Inquiry

Besides, our custom VLP construction service can meet your specific requirements on formulations and modifications of your target VLPs. We would like to keep in touch with our customers, so please feel free to contact us for more information or a formal quote.

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