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Creative Biostructure specializes in offering cost-effective contract services to academia, biotech, and pharmaceutical industries in the areas of structural biology and membrane protein technologies. With our cutting-edge platforms, we provide customers with access to the latest tools, techniques, and expertise for their projects, all at competitive prices and with quick turnaround times. Our team is eager to discuss your project details and create customized experimental strategies to meet your specific needs.

We offer dedicated services aimed at determining the structures of biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes. With our state-of-the-art facilities, we have developed an all-in-one pipeline that includes all the stages from construct design to structure determination.

We support every aspect of your target protein production, including gene synthesis, molecular cloning, protein expression, purification, modification, mutagenesis, and characterization. Additionally, we've developed efficient membrane protein expression systems and purification methods to tackle the challenges in membrane protein production and characterization.

We have been actively engaged in protein characterization using a variety of techniques, as well as protein engineering for various applications. The extensive experience gained in these areas allows us to offer customized services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

We offer virus-like particle (VLP) production services as well as a range of VLP products for various applications, such as delivery systems, vaccine development, and membrane protein expression.

We have been focused on the development of liposome technologies for years, and our rich experience makes us experts in liposome preparation and manufacturing. The goal of our liposome platform is to provide you with high-quality liposome services, including custom liposome production, analysis, and characterization, as well as applications.

Our scientists are prepared to produce tailor-made exosomes for you, beginning with a variety of cell line-derived exosomes and incorporating your cargo to target specific cell types. We offer a comprehensive solution that covers exosome isolation, data collection, and analysis, all customized to meet your requirements.

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