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Materials Science


Modern material science largely relies on insights into the relationship between material composition, properties, and microstructure, so characterization techniques at different levels, from macro to micro, of material composition, properties, and microstructure occupy a very important position. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is one of the important characterization techniques for the structure and properties of materials. NMR is not only an important method for molecular structure analysis, but also an indispensable tool in materials science and other fields.

Materials Science

As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure provides material characterization services using NMR. Our characterization content includes the characterization of the chemical composition, internal microstructure, micromorphology, crystal defects, and material properties of the material.

Parameters We Focus on

  • Chemical shift value - Confirm the chemical environment in which the hydrogen atom is located, i.e., which group it belongs to.
  • Coupling constant - inferring the relationship and structure of adjacent hydrogen atoms.
  • Area of absorption peak - Determine the number ratio of various hydrogen atoms in the molecule.

Our General Approaches for Material Analysis

  • Qualitative analysis of polymer materials

NMR is a powerful tool for identifying polymer materials. We can easily identify many polymers using 1H NMR or 13C NMR, even if their structures and infrared spectra are similar. For example, ethyl polyacrylate and vinyl polyacrylate α H is subject to different shielding effects due to the different groups it is connected to. the former αH is connected to oxygen, the shielding effect is weakened, and its chemical shift moves towards the low field direction; the latter α H is connected to the carbonyl group, receiving a large shielding effect, and its chemical shift moves towards a high field, making it easy to identify.

We will use high-definition maps to qualitatively identify unknown polymers. The main measurement conditions we pay attention to include solvent, resonance frequency, etc. Parameters such as chemical shifts, coupling splits, and integral strengths can be obtained from the spectra and determined through elemental analysis and NMR spectral analysis.

  • Quantitative determination of copolymer composition

After qualitative analysis of the NMR spectrum of the copolymer, the copolymerization composition can be quantitatively calculated based on the principle that the peak area is proportional to the number of resonance nuclei. If a copolymer has a component that has at least one peak that can be accurately resolved, it can be used to represent the component and calculate the composition ratio.

  • Study on the sequence structure of copolymers

NMR can not only directly determine the composition of copolymers, but also be an effective tool for determining molecular structure. We have measured the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of various organic compounds using a high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. Sometimes, only a few spectra need to be done. By comparing the standard spectra, we can determine the structure of a molecule.

Our Services

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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