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NMR Identification of Food Quality


Using sensory evaluation, electronic nose, and other methods to identify the quality of food is not accurate and cannot accurately quantify the results. Due to the many advantages of metabolomics technology based on NMR in the analysis of food components, it has been widely used to identify the origin, grade, genetically modified foods, and counterfeit products of foods.

NMR Identification of Food Quality

As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure can use NMR technology to provide customers with food component analysis, food origin identification, food-grade identification, genetically modified food identification, and counterfeit and substandard product identification services.

Overview of Our Services

Our NMR-based food quality analysis service allows:

  • Select or identify high-quality products (e.g., increased vitamin or phytochemical content).
  • Monitor reproducibility between batches (e.g., beer).
  • Detect adulterated products (e.g., grapefruit juice in orange juice labeled pure).
  • Detect food origin identification (e.g., honey).
  • Identify genetically modified foods, for example, by studying whether there are expected increases in metabolites such as flavonoids and whether there are any unexpected changes that are minimal or acceptable in terms of known hazards.

Food Component Analysis Service

We can detect hundreds of organic compound monomers in foods, not just a wide range of substances such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cellulose, vitamins, trace elements, and ash.

  • Systematic analysis of food compounds using NMR technology

For example, we can use one-dimensional 1H spectroscopy and two-dimensional 1H-13C heteronuclear spectroscopy to quantitatively analyze the total monounsaturated fatty acids and total polyunsaturated fatty acids of fat, lactose, citric acid, N-acetyl organic compounds, trimethylamine, butyric acid, and triacylglycerol in milk.

  • Targeted analysis of specific compounds in food using NMR technology

For example, we can perform target analysis on organic acids in beer, such as acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, pyruvic acid, and succinic acid.

Identification of Food Origin

  • Identifiable information

Origin, variety, picking year, processing method.

  • Identification method

We have established NMR metabolic profiles of red wine from multiple regions. With the help of principal component analysis (PCA), wines from these different regions can be distinguished.

The content of some metabolites such as polyols, ethyl esters, and sugars is an important indicator for our analysis of wine production, grape varieties, harvest years, and processing methods.

Wine is only the most common sample we receive. We can also use NMR technology to identify the origin information of other foods, such as pistachios, cherries, tea, coffee beans, etc.

Grade Identification of Food

We will also identify different levels of food based on NMR metabolomics techniques. The difference in one or more contents is the main reason for the grade difference in foods (such as matsutake, coffee beans, etc.). We will analyze the content of these ingredients through NMR and PCA to assist in determining the grade of the food.

Identification of Genetically Modified Foods

The safety of genetically modified foods has attracted attention from all parties, and how to identify genetically modified foods has become a question for people to consider. We can use NMR technology combined with multivariate statistical analysis methods to detect the subtle effects of transgenic crops on their metabolites.

Identification of Fake and Inferior Products

Some foods such as fruit juices and oils contain characteristic compounds such as unsaturated fats and amino acids, and the differences in the content of these substances are difficult to identify by flavor, odor, or color. With the help of NMR analysis, we can identify this difference in adulterated or counterfeit products.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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