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Food Quality Control by NMR


As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure combines our complete NMR technology platform with GC-MS and LC-MS to provide customers with solutions related to food fermentation monitoring, animal breeding and picking evaluation, food storage testing, and food taste testing.

Food Quality Control by NMR

Monitoring of Food Fermentation Quality Based on NMR

  • Analysis service for metabolic characteristics of liquid foods such as vinegar, red wine, soy sauce, etc. in different aging years.
  • Analysis of changes in amino acids and organic acid carbonates.
  • Analysis of changes in the structure of fermentation bacteria.
  • Analysis of changes in the composition of compounds in fermented foods.
  • Best fermentation time determination service.
  • Correlation analysis between fermentation time and changes in compound composition.

Monitoring of Food Fermentation Quality Based on NMR

  • Analysis service for correlation between poultry meat metabolism profile and breeding period.
  • Analysis service for correlation between carnosine level and free amino acid level and breeding period.
  • Determination of the optimal breeding period corresponding to the comprehensive quality of meat (taking into account the taste, color, tenderness, water holding capacity, and nutritional value of the meat).
  • Correlation analysis service between farming methods and the material composition of fruits and vegetables (such as the content of glucose, fructose, arginine, and ethanol in grapes).

Quality Monitoring of Food Storage and Processing Based on NMR

  • Analytical services for the degradation of fats and proteins in foods by pickling and drying processes.
  • Correlation analysis between storage process and storage time and changes in food compound composition.
  • Analysis of the effects of cleaning and baking processes on the composition of water, amino acids, organic acids, alcohols, and choline in foods.
  • Analysis of the effects of irradiation techniques on the metabolic spectrum of meat.

Food Taste Detection Based on NMR

We have established an NMR metabolic fingerprint library of small molecular compounds closely related to various tastes, using it as a very useful "magnetic tongue" to characterize and predict the taste of food.

For example, we can use NMR-based metabolomics techniques and multivariate statistical methods to predict the acidity and bitterness intensity of various coffee beans.

Compared to the human tongue, sensory prediction based on NMR has obvious advantages, such as being faster, more accurate, more objective, and cheaper. This technological advantage can reveal the quality of food more clearly.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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