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Analysis of Polymer-based Formulations


The study of drug delivery has become an important topic in medical research and pharmaceutical industry. The drug is formulated into a multi-component system, which contains not only active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) but also various excipients, namely pharmacological inert substances with adjustable characteristics. An in-depth understanding of API, excipients and their interactions is of practical significance and is a strong demand in the pharmaceutical industry.

Solid-state NMR in the field of drug deliveryFigure 1. Solid-state NMR in the field of drug delivery (Marchetti et al., 2021)

Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) is an irreplaceable tool in the characterization technology library, providing a unique and comprehensive perspective for describing the chemical structure, spatial connectivity, and interface phenomena of solid dosage forms. As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure relies on our SSNMR technology to provide customers with local structure, conformation, and kinetic analysis services between polymer excipients and APIs.

Our Technology


Solid state 19F-NMR.


Analytical Polymer Range

  • Synthetic polymer excipients (PEG, PLGA, PLA, and various polysaccharides).
  • Naturally derived polymer shaper (e.g., carbohydrate).
  • Biopolymers (such as proteins, collagen, and oligonucleotides).

Our Analysis Service Content

  • Analysis of interaction between API and polymer.
  • Analysis of the effect of polymer excipients in the formula on solubility regulation.
  • Effect of polymer excipients on improving drug bioavailability.
  • Location and detection of the miscible source of API and polymer.
  • Analysis of drug molecular fluidity in solid dispersion.
  • Stability analysis of delivery system based on formula.
  • Analysis of the influence of drug packaging methods (such as amorphous polymer matrix and crystallization) on dissolution rate.
  • Analysis of the relationship between the recrystallization behavior in the storage process of solid dispersion and its preparation method.

Technology Advantages

SSNMR is more sensitive to chemical structure, local crystallinity and kinetics, as well as complex molecular interactions between drugs and matrix.

High-resolution SSNMR can provide site-specific structural and kinetic information for heterogeneous nanocrystalline solids. It does not need single crystals and can study materials that do not exhibit long-range order, i.e., amorphous, nano-sized and/or atomic disordered crystal systems, or materials with different chemical compositions.

SSNMR allows the measurement of substances without dissolving in solvents or being destroyed, so that chemical information specific to their components can be obtained, just as in solids.

Applications of Our Service

Our polymer-based excipient analysis service can answer the relationship between the structure and physical and chemical properties of excipients. For example, pore filling and pore volume, surface area, topological structure of interaction, a functional group binding and local molecular dynamics of API, and properties of intermolecular or intramolecular interaction. All information can be used to design an effective and specific controlled drug delivery system in vivo.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Marchetti A, et al. Solid-state NMR in the field of drug delivery: State of the art and new perspectives. Magnetic Resonance Letters. 2021, 1(1): 28-70.
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