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Qualitative NMR Analysis of Starch in Foods


Starch plays a very important role in the food industry and other practical applications. As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure uses NMR technology to provide customers with services including analyzing the particle structure of starch, the characteristics and kinetics of gelatinization and sedimentation, molecular migration, and the determination of the degree of substitution of modified starch.

ualitative NMR Analysis of Starch in Foods

Technical Advantages

  • The sample to be tested in the experiment does not constitute damage.
  • The measurement is timely and can generally be completed within seconds or minutes.
  • It can continuously measure a certain change (reaction) process and is suitable for reaction kinetics research.
  • It can be assembled on a production line to perform online control of process parameters.
  • High measurement accuracy and good reproducibility.

Analysis of Starch Granule Structure

Wheat starch granules are composed of three different components:

  • Highly crystalline regions formed by double helical starch chains.
  • A region of an amylose lipid complex that resembles a solid substance.
  • Complete amorphous region.

The chemical shifts and relaxation times of the crystalline and amorphous regions of starch particles are different on the NMR spectra, which is also the main principle for our application of NMR to the structural analysis of starch particles.

TargetNMR methodsDescription
Analysis of the grain structure of wheat starchSingle-pulse magic angle spinning (SP/ MAS)The proton rotational relaxation time of the amylose fatty complex in wheat starch granules is significantly shorter than that of crystalline starch.
Analysis of the structure and properties of amorphous components, single and double helix structural components in starch granules13C NMR
Analysis of structural differences and molecular chain motion changes of two different crosslinked starches13C NMRNMR technology can be used to analyze the dynamic factors of starch molecular chains and the transformation of different crystal forms within the particles.
Analysis of structural properties of samples with different amylose content13C CP/ MAS NMRThe differences in chemical shift, relative resonance intensity, spectral line width, and spectral shape of samples under different water content conditions were compared.

Analysis of Starch Gelatinization

NMR is an important method for analyzing the kinetics of water-starch interaction during starch gelatinization.

Using 1H NMR, we can detect the spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation time constants under different molecular motion states. During the gelatinization process of starch, the mobility of water molecules decreases, and correspondingly T1 and T2 become shorter. It is believed that the shortening of T2 implies the interaction between water and macromolecules.

Analyzable content

  • Analysis of gelatinization degree and properties of starch.
  • Analysis of the effect of starch/water ratio, amylose content, degree of phosphorylation, and potassium iodide on starch gelatinization.

Analysis of Starch Paste Sedimentation

The sedimentation of starch refers to the process in which the molecules of starch gelatinize from disorder to order.

We can use low-resolution 1H NMR to study the sedimentation of starch systems. The spin-spin relaxation time is very sensitive to the flow of molecules, and the T value of solid materials differs by an order of magnitude from the T2 value of liquid materials. This principle can be used to distinguish between starch molecules in the liquid and coagulated states.

Analyzable content

  • Detection of solid-like components in starch.
  • Identification of crystalline regions in raw starch and aged starch.
  • Detection of starch coagulation caused by freeze-thaw treatment.

NMR method used

  • 13C CP/ MAS NMR.
  • 1H NMR Cross relaxation spectroscopy technique.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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