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Analysis of Systems with MOFs


Nanostructured matrix based on metal-organic framework (MOF) has the characteristics of high drug loading and controlled release. This makes MOF more and more popular in the research of drug delivery systems. The combination of high porosity and regular porosity with organic groups in the framework can accumulate advantages. Mixed inorganic-organic solids with large pores exhibit such characteristics and can represent valuable alternatives for these purposes.

Analysis of Systems with MOFs.Figure 1. Analysis of Systems with MOFs. (Brunner & Rauche, 2020)

As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure provides customers with MOFs characterization services for drug delivery systems through different SSNMR spectra and provides information about framework structure, active center, surface position, host-guest interaction and intermediate interaction.

Our Principles

We use NMR spectroscopy as a tool to obtain information about the molecular properties of drugs doped in MOF. We compared the 1H and 13C MAS NMR spectra of MOF-containing drugs with those of pure crystalline drugs and empty MOF. The detected chemical shift change of a single NMR signal can indicate which part of the drug molecule interacts with which part of the framework.

Analysis of organic linkers

1H, 13C, 14/15N, 17O

Analysis of metal centers

25Mg, 43Ca, 111/113Cd, 207Pb, 47/49Ti, 63/65Cu, 67Zn, 69/71Ga, 91Zr, 115 In, 135/137Ba, 139La, 27Al, etc.

Parameters we focus on

Paramagnetic effect

chemical shift

Dipolar correlation

Spin diffusion

Relaxation measurement

Why Choose our Service

Among spectral techniques, SSNMR is one of the most powerful characterization techniques, because it can provide insight into the specific atomic resolution of elements of materials.

We used SSNMR to study many different research stages related to MOF. From the study of their formation and structure determination to the field study of their performance. As a local spectral tool, SSNMR is complementary to diffraction techniques that rely on the existence of long-range order and provide an average crystal structure picture.

Our NMR experiments can prove or refute the hypothesis proposed by modeling, predicting preferential adsorption sites, and estimating the interaction strength between adsorption molecules and MOF matrix.

It can gradually adsorb or desorb molecules into pores, locate and quantify these molecules, and thus supplement the data obtained through thermal analysis and adsorption analysis. SSNMR is also very important for studying the framework and kinetics of adsorption molecules. Therefore, the use of NMR spectra is crucial to infer the structure-function relationship of MOF.

Service Content

Synthesis service of MOFs

Pure crystal API analysis service.

API filling confirmation service.

1H and 13C MAS NMR analysis of MOF-containing drugs.

Spectral analysis of empty MOF.

Characterization service of flexible MOF for drug delivery.

Analysis service of drug conformation in MOF.

Analysis service of drug distribution in the gap.

Analyze the effect of flexible MOF respiration on drug adsorption.

Analyze, characterize and induce host-drug interactions (including delivery kinetics in simulated physiological environment).

Applications of Our Service

It provides a theoretical basis for adjusting the pore opening of flexible porous MOF.

To provide the basis for optimizing drug-matrix interaction.

Understand the interaction between MOF with different pore sizes and API.

Analyze the modification effect of MOF framework on API.

The effects of different synthetic processes and drug models on the molecular structure of drugs were analyzed.

Help customers analyze the influence of matrix pore size, pore size setting shape and drug loading method on drug release kinetics.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Brunner E, Rauche M. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy: an advancing tool to analyse the structure and properties of metal–organic frameworks. Chemical Science. 2020, 11(17): 4297-4304.
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