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Food Quality and Safety Teste by NMR


Due to the simple pretreatment, non-bias, and non-destructive nature of NMR on samples, NMR-based metabolomics techniques have become a powerful new tool for evaluating metabolites and their functions. In the field of food science, this method is widely used in food component analysis, food quality identification, food quality control, food storage and processing, identification and prediction of food flavor.

Food Quality and Safety Teste by NMR

As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure uses NMR technology to provide customers with detection and analysis services for food adulteration identification, food quality identification, food quality control, and food safety.

Analysis Scope

TargetAnalysis content
Analysis of food ingredientsIdentify the following metabolites:
Ingredients that impart flavor or color to specific foods.
Ingredients are considered to have beneficial or harmful effects.
Ingredients affected by different cooking or preservation processes.
Food quality analysisSelect or identify high-quality products.
Monitoring reproducibility between batches.
Detection of adulterated products.
Detection of country-of-origin identification.
Identification of genetically modified foods.
Food SafetyDetection of microbial contamination of food.
Check for moisture changes in food related to spoilage.

Our Approaches

1D-1H spectrum. Allows the identification of metabolites based on the chemical shift, relative peak strength, multiplicity, and coupling constants (homonuclear and heteronuclear) observed due to the j coupling of protons.

1D-13C NMR. It has a larger chemical shift range and is therefore more sensitive to differences in molecular structure.

The two-dimensional NMR (2D-NMR) method allows the identification of cross peaks.

Related Services

We can provide customers with adulteration detection and component identification services for foods such as milk, oil, honey, and wine through relaxation time testing, iodine value testing, solid fat content testing, and diffusion rate testing.

Our services include food ingredient analysis, food origin identification, food grade identification, genetically modified food identification, and identification of counterfeit and substandard products. Our services are designed to help customers obtain the basis for food rating and classification.

Our services include related solutions such as food fermentation monitoring, animal breeding and harvesting evaluation, food storage testing, and food taste testing. The technologies we use include the combination of NMR technology platforms with GC-MS and LC-MS.

We can use low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technology to analyze the relaxation time of hydrogen protons, achieve rapid detection of water and microbial content in food samples, and detect bruises or internal corruption.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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