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Custom Membrane Protein Production


Membrane proteins play an essential role in life activities. In the sequenced genome, membrane proteins account for 30% of drug-targeted sites. Functions such as signal transmission between cells and detection of the external environment are mostly realized through special membrane receptor proteins on biological membranes. Many human diseases are related to the abnormal function of these membrane proteins. Membrane proteins are important drug targets, but their application is limited due to factors such as low expression, difficulty in preparation, and poor stability. With a professional membrane protein production team and rich experience in membrane protein production, Creative Biostructure can express and purify membrane proteins that are currently unavailable in the market (such as GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, enzymes, and viral targets).

What Membrane Proteins Can We Produce?

We can express but are not limited to the following membrane proteins:

Monotypic/Peripheral Protein Production
Alpha/Beta-HydrolaseFYVE/PHD Zinc Finger ProteinPhosphatidylinositol 3-/4-Kinase
AnnexinsGalactose-Binding Domain-Like ProteinPLC-like Phosphodiesterase
Bet V1-Like ProteinGlycolipid Transfer ProteinPhosphotyrosine Protein Phosphatases II
C1 Domain-Containing ProteinImmunoglobulin-Like Superfamily (E Set) ProteinP-Loop Containing Nucleoside Triphosphate Hydrolase
C2 Domain-containing ProteinLipocalinProtein kinase superfamily
CoA-Dependent AcyltransferasesLipoxygenasePX Domain-Containing Protein
CRAL-TRIO Domain-Containing ProteinPGBD superfamilySaposin
PH Domain-Like ProteinSynucleinDNase I-like protein
FibrinogenTranscriptional factor tubby
Membrane Protein Peptides Production
Amyloid Beta-sheet PeptidesPeptide Fragments of Transmembrane ProteinPeptide fragments of water-soluble proteins
Membrane Anchor Helices of Peripheral Proteins

Advantages of Our Membrane Protein Production Service

Creative Biostructure has rich experience in membrane protein research, and the advantages of our service include the following:

  • Short Experimental Period: With optimized procedures, we can deliver the membrane proteins required by customers in the shortest time.
  • Various Expression Systems: We have a variety of membrane protein expression systems, and the most suitable system can be selected according to the needs of customers for the production of membrane proteins.
  • High Activity: Our platform enables membrane proteins to be crystallized while maintaining their native conformation and retaining their function and activity.
  • One-Stop Service: We provide one-stop membrane protein production services and can also offer membrane protein crystallization and cryo-electron microscopy services.

Creative Biostructure's scientists will assist you in all project stages of evaluation, planning, and execution. Each project is tailored to the customer's specifications of scale, purity, analytical characterization, and activity. We help our customers plan their projects in the most cost-efficient manner. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process

mit harvard stanford nih abbvie novartis amgen gsk regeneron sanofi

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