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Virus-like Particle (VLP) Services


Creative Biostructure is a world-leading provider of virus-like particles (VLPs). We offer both VLP production services and various VLP products for multiple applications, such as delivery system, vaccine development, and membrane protein expression.

VLPs are non-infectious nanoparticles that can be recombinantly assembled from expressed viral proteins and without the viral genome required for viral replication and infection. Because they are non-infectious, VLPs do not require the same strict biosafety level as competent native viruses. At the same time, they can retain the self-assembling and antigen-presenting capabilities for innovative therapeutics uses. VLP technology has become a successful tool to develop multivalent vaccines against a wide range of infectious and epidemic viruses, such as Zika virus (ZIKV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Chikungunya (CHIKV), Yellow fever virus (YFV), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV).

Types of vaccinesFigure 1. Types of vaccines: a. Live-attenuated vaccine; b. Inactivated vaccine; c. Subunit vaccines; d. Gene-based vaccines; e. Virus-like particles.

Types of VLPs

  • Non-enveloped: Bud from the host cell without the host cell membrane.
  • Enveloped: Bud from the host cell carrying the host cell membrane and containing the viral proteins on the VLP surface.

Expression Systems for VLP Production

  • Yeast and insect cells: Combining the robust manufacturability of the bacterial system and post-translational modification capability of the mammalian system.
  • Escherichia coli: Fast and cost-effective but lacking post-translational modification ability that may be required for an effective host immune response.
  • Mammalian cells: More suitable for post-translational modifications, but manufacturability may be problematic.
  • Plants: Powerful machinery for post-translational modification and proper assembly of proteins. No expensive fermentation is needed.

Featured VLP Services at Creative Biostructure

Why Partner with Creative Biostructure?

  • Various systems have been utilized in the successful VLP construction, including bacterial, yeast, insect cells, plant and mammalian hosts.
  • Based on our membrane protein platform, MemPro™ virus-like particle (VLP) technology has been developed, which can be applied to effectively express and purify membrane proteins.
  • We support a variety of VLP application services, such as cell targeting, biosensor, and chimeric VLP production.
  • Creative Biostructure has developed a series of VLP characterization approaches, such as SRID, HA assay, DLS, and AFFFF-MALS, to ensure optimal VLP services and products.
  • We can design and develop custom VLPs, and various functional VLPs with modification can be produced to meet a wide range of growing demands.

VLP technology has become a fascinating and incredible tool for vaccine research and development. With extensive expertise, Creative Biostructure provides off-the-shelf VLP products and excellent VLP services. If you are interested in finding out more about our VLP capabilities and VLP technology, please feel free to contact us.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Vicente T, et al. Large-scale production and purification of VLP-based vaccines. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2011, 107: S42-S48.
  2. Garg H, et al. Virus Like Particles (VLP) as multivalent vaccine candidate against Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Yellow Fever and Zika Virus. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10(1): 1-13.
  3. Fuenmayor J, et al. Production of virus-like particles for vaccines. New Biotechnology. 2017, 39: 174-180.
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