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Multiple Quantum (MQ) NMR Service


Multi-quantum (MQ) NMR eliminates the second-order quadrupole action of the half-integer quadrupole nuclear center leap, greatly broadening the scope of NMR applications. For example, in the coupled spin-1/2 regime, multi-quantum processes involve the simultaneous flipping of a set of spins. It is, therefore, possible for researchers to study the correlation of these spin relaxation processes and thus obtain more detailed information about molecular motion.

MQ NMR is an effective tool for generating large numbers of correlated particles. Creative Biostructure offers MQ NMR spectroscopy service to deepen our customers' insights into the space-filling properties of condensed matter at microscopic scales.

The basic scheme of the MQ NMR experiment. Figure 1. The basic scheme of the MQ NMR experiment. (Fel'dman, E. B.; et al. 2012)

We have extended this to address different areas, from studying the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids in solution to studying the arrangement of atoms in amorphous semiconductors. Specific spectroscopic techniques are also diverse, including designed methods. Examples include simplifying the spectral analysis of liquids and liquid crystals, eliminating inhomogeneous broadening, studying interatomic connectivity in liquid molecules, identifying clusters of atoms in solids, improving spatial resolution in solid-state imaging experiments, and detecting correlated molecular motion.

Technical Advantages

  • In situ acquisition of microstructural information of biological materials at the atomic and molecular levels.
  • Pure absorption spectra can be obtained with higher resolution, and sequences can be easily optimized.

Sample Requirements

  • The sample to be sent should be a dry, non-hygroscopic, non-conductive, and non-ferromagnetic homogeneous powder.
  • The sample should be stable and not explode when rotated at high speed or exposed to strong electromagnetic radiation.
  • Usually, the sample volume should be larger than 0.5 cm3.

MQ NMR has been successful in many applications, allowing you to observe the growth and decay of multi-axis correlations. Creative Biostructure has extensive experience and proven processes in MQ NMR experiments, and our experimental methods can be optimized for different application scenarios to resolve complex solids. Please contact us for specific solutions. We look forward to working with you on MQ NMR.

Ordering Process

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  1. Fel'dman, E. B.; et al. Solid-state multiple quantum NMR in quantum information processing: exactly solvable models. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 2012, A. 370, 4690-4712.
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