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Liposome Turbidity Measurement


Creative Biostructure has mastered both novel and conventional methods to achieve comprehensive analysis of liposomes. Our experts are proficient in offering technical consultation and assistance for your research. We are specialized in liposome turbidity measurement under dynamic systems.

Why turbidity measurement is important to liposome?

Dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy are two mainly used methods to determine size distribution of liposomes. However, these techniques are time-consuming and skill-demanding, thus they are not suitable to monitor rapid size changes in dynamic environment. Turbidity measurement is a convenient assay to continuously track the changes of particles size. Therefore, it is the best method to study effect of aggregation, fusion process, and micellization induced by peptides and other agents on the size and structure change of liposomes. Added with theoretical support, turbidity spectrum analysis can be successfully applied in the pharmaceutical field for the purpose of particulate drug carrier characterization, such as particles sizes and concentration.

Figure 1. Incorporation of CDCA into DOTAP liposome for gene delivery. A, transmission electron micrograph of DOTAP: CDCA liposomes viewed by negative staining of the liposomes. The w/w ratio of the components is 10:2. B, turbidity study of CDCA alone, DOTAP liposomes, and DOTAP: CDCA liposomes over 60 min. Based on the turbidity of the solution, it is evident that DOTAP: CDCA liposomes exhibit similar stability to DOTAP liposomes. Turbidity was examined at an absorbance of 600 nm. (Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2007)

Liposome turbidity measurement method

Turbidity measurement is mainly performed by spectrophotometer. A simple and broadly accessible UV-Vis spectrophotometer is sufficient to collect experimental data. Turbidity spectrum is wavelength dependent, therefore wavelength adjustment is necessary to achieve reasonable results. It allows monitoring of size changes on time scale of the order of 5-10 s with a conventional spectrophotometer, and the acquisition time can be much shorter with an instrument equipped with a multi-channel detector. This method is also cost effective and sensitive. In general, turbidity measurement is a fast access to characterize liposome before applying more expensive and laborious size measurement by DLS and EM.

Creative Biostructure has several spectrophotometers in our analysis center. We have strong ability to offer one-stop solutions from liposome manufacture to analysis. The comprehensive equipment will satisfy your particular demands. Please contact us for more information.

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  1. M. M. A. Elsayed, G. Cevc. (2011) Turbidity Spectroscopy for characterization of submicroscopic drug carriers, such as nanoparticles and lipid vesicles: ize Determination. Pharm Res. 28:2204–2222.
  2. Katsumi Matsuzaki, Osamu Murase, Ken’ichi Sugishita et al. (2000) Optical characterization of liposomes by right angle light scattering and turbidity measurement. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1467: 219-226.
  3. Feng Liu, Christine C. Conwell, Xing Yuan et al. (2007) Novel nonviral vectors target cellular signaling pathways: regulated gene expression and reduced toxicity. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 321: 777-783.
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