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Liposomes in Food Industry


Creative Biostructure has committed to the research and development of liposome technology in the past decade, and has established a comprehensive liposome platform specialized in food-related applications.

Why use liposomes in food industry?

Liposomes have great potentials in the food, beverage, and nutraceutical industries as shown in published precedent. In food industry, the application of liposomes mainly focuses on texture alteration and water retention improvement. Liposomes can encapsulate various components such as additives, preservatives and antimicrobials, resulting in enriched flavors and increased bioavailability of the contents. Liposomes are particularly suitable for the food industry as they provide natural, non-toxic, biodegradable, and versatile systems for both hydrophilic and hydrophilic components. Works demonstrating the benefits of using liposomes have been widely reported, such as the targeted delivery of functional ingredients, the synergistic delivery of multiple agents, and the physical protection to prevent chemical or enzymatic degradation.

Figure 1. Antimicrobial lysozyme, which is encapsulated in the liposomes, targets to spoilage organisms in cheese. (M. R. Mozafari, et al., 2008) Figure 1. Antimicrobial lysozyme, which is encapsulated in the liposomes, targets to spoilage organisms in cheese. (M. R. Mozafari, et al., 2008)

Based on the unparalleled ability of liposome technology, a new wave of applications appears to be on the horizon. To facilitate your research in this field, we offer the following service:

  • Design and prepare customized liposomes for supplements: additives, preservatives, antimicrobials, and adding flavors and so on.
  • Provide service for food grade encapsulating processes.
  • Liposome properties analysis.

Besides food industry, Creative Biostructure has also applied liposome platform in a wide range of application fields such as cosmetics, cancer therapy, gene therapy, drug delivery, etc. We ensure you the best products and first-class services. Please see the related sections for further information and feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

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  1. M. R. Mozafari, et al. (2008). Nanoliposomes and Their applications in food nanotechnology. Journal of Liposome Research, 8:309–327.
  2. W. Liu, et al. (2013). Liposomes as food ingredients and nutraceutical delivery systems. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 24(2): 68-71.
  3. K. Khannari, et al. (2016). Application of liposomes in some dairy products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(3): 484-493.
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