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Solution-state NMR Service


NMR is a unique non-invasive and non-destructive research tool that helps to study living cells and tissues, as well as provides detailed analysis of molecular solutions and body fluids. Solution-state NMR spectroscopy is the classical NMR spectroscopy method used for molecular structure determination in which experimental samples are studied in solution.

If your sample is not significantly soluble in any known solvent, you may consider using the solid-state NMR services offered by Creative Biostructure.

Obtained Data

  • NMR of various nuclides, such as 1H, 13C, 31P, 19F, 29Si, 17O, 11B, 27Al, etc.
  • Various one-dimensional spectra such as 1H, 13C, DEPT, NOEDIF, TOCSY1D, etc.
  • Two-dimensional homonuclear/heteronuclear correlation spectra, such as 1H-1HCOSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY, ROESY, TOCSY, HSQC-TOCSY.
  • Single and double resonance experiments and 1H/13C/15N triple resonance experiments for a variety of nuclides, and heteronuclear correlation detection in normal and reverse mode are available.

Data Processing

Basic analysis

  • Computer export of NMR raw files (direct feedback to customer)
  • NUTs processing of NMR spectra or Origin processing of data (optional)

High-order analysis

  • NMR spectral analysis
  • Interpretation of 1D and 2D NMR spectra
  • Accept customer-specified processing methods

Sample Requirements

  • The sample should not contain magnetic material, or it will distort the magnetic field and reduce the resolution.
  • Sample purity should be higher than 95%, dissolved in deuterium reagent for testing, if it contains other solvents, please separate in advance. If you dissolve the sample in deuterium reagent, please make sure to seal it (1.5 mL EP tube is available) to avoid solvent evaporation.
  • Generally, small molecule samples (molecular weight less than 600) need to reach more than 40 mg/ml solubility if testing carbon spectra, and the sample amount provided for testing is >25 mg.
  • For large molecule samples, if the carbon spectrum needs to reach more than 80 mg/ml of dissolution, provide >50 mg of sample for the test. If the sample amount is too small, you need to inform in advance.

Technical Advantages and Features

  • C, H, and P spectra are available.
  • Direct access to data on APIs or formulated proteins without sample manipulation.
  • Fully automated and extremely flexible system with solvent and temperature range (30 °C- 110 °C).


We offer solution-state NMR services for structural confirmation of organic compounds, natural products and biomolecules, polymer characterization, drug development, molecular conformation, and molecular interactions. It is also used for molecular structure analysis, quantitative molecular conformation analysis, content determination, and reaction mechanism research in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, biochemistry, petrochemistry, chemical industry, and materials chemistry.

If you are interested in the solution state NMR service provided by Creative Biostructure or have questions about sample requirements, please feel free to contact us, and we look forward to working with you.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process

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