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Liposomes in Gene Therapy


Creative Biostructure has focused on the research and development of liposome technology for years, and has been a reliable service provider for the clients globally. A lot of our work has relied on our versatile Mempro™ Liposome platform which ensures high quality and efficacy for virtually every aspect of liposome preparation. A recent development in Mempro™ Liposome has been the incorporation of a novel module that aims at liposome-assisted gene therapy.

There are some commercialized liposomal drug delivery applications such as amphotericin-B and paclitaxels. We can provide quality service to support our clients for their liposomal drug delivery formulation development.

Design and manufacture customized liposomal drug formulation.
Liposome and encapsulated drug characterization.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics study of liposomal drug in vivo and in vitro.

Why use liposomes in gene therapy?

The major purpose of gene therapy is to deliver genetic materials such as DNA, RNA, and antisense sequences to living cells with the purpose of correcting genetic disorders. Although gene therapy holds great promise as a treatment for disease, the limitation lies in the development of safe and efficient gene-delivery systems. Liposomes serve as one of the effective gene delivery tools owing to its remarkable characteristics in DNA delivery: (i) low immunogenic response; (ii) large amounts of DNA can be loaded easily; (iii) they increase the stability of DNA in the body; and (iv) lack of clearance that improves the DNA blood circulation. There are a variety of diseases which could benefit from liposomal gene therapy, such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, immune system deficiencies, and transmissible viral diseases (HIV, hepatitis), neurological diseases (Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease), and hemophilia.

Liposome formulations used as DNA delivery systems, and the position of DNA in each DNA-liposome complex Figure 1. Liposome formulations used as DNA delivery systems, and the position of DNA in each DNA-liposome complex (Templeton, 2002).

Creative Biostructure has paved the way for the construction of functional liposomes that are compatible with genetic materials. These highly engineered molecules not only lower the susceptibility of DNA and RNA to nucleases, but also allow for a longer half-life of the encapsulated materials. We offer reliable service to support your research.

  • Ligands design for covalent attachments.
  • Liposome modification for improved recognition.
  • Liposome properties analysis.

We promise to provide you the best products and first-class services based on our advanced technology. Our technology can be used in a broad range of fields including food industry, cosmetics, drug delivery, and cancer therapy. Please contact us to share more details and get a formal quote.

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  1. D. Ibraheem et al. (2014). Gene therapy and DNA delivery systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 459: 70–83.
  2. S Mali. (2013). Delivery systems for gene therapy. Indian J Hum Genet., 19(1): 3–8.
  3. D. A. Balazs and W. T. Godbey. (2011). Liposomes for use in gene delivery. Journal of Drug Delivery, 2011: 326497.
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