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NMR-based Metabolomics


Metabolomics is the study of metabolites present in biological samples (such as biological fluids, tissue/cell extracts, and culture media). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the main analytical method used in the field of metabolomics. The analysis of highly complex biological mixtures benefits from the progress of NMR data acquisition and analysis methods.

As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure provides NMR analysis services for metabolomics in biological samples (including but not limited to serum, plasma, urine, sweat, saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid).

Our Technologies

1D NMR1D NOESY. It is used for samples that provide narrow line shapes such as urine, cells and tissue extracts
1D CPMG. It is useful for samples such as blood serum/plasma, which contain macromolecules such as proteins and lipids.
2D NMRThe two main areas of 2D NMR metabolomics applications are unknown identification and improved metabolite quantification
NMR for mass-limited samplesWe apply micro-coil probes to provide additional sensitivity for NMR detection. It is particularly useful for samples with limited mass.
Ultra-sensitive NMRPolarization (PHIP), and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)

Acceptable Samples

Biological specimens used in NMR-based metabolomics include blood serum or plasma, urine, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, gut aspirate, bile, amniotic fluid, synovial fluid, exhaled breath condensate, intact tissue, and tissue extracts. Specimens from animal models, cell lines, yeast, bacteria, tumor cells, and tumor spheroids.

Our Workflow for NMR-based Metabolomics

Schematic diagram describing the workflow of NMR-based metabolomicsFigure 1. Schematic diagram describing the workflow of NMR-based metabolomics (Nagana Gowda & Raftery, 2021)

Biological samples such as plasma or serum, urine, and tissue of the human body, animal model, or cell are used for metabolomics research. The important steps involved are

  • Detection of metabolite signals.
  • Metabolite identification using a combination of 1D and 2D NMR methods.
  • Database search and labeling with real compounds.
  • Quantification of identified metabolites using a single internal standard.

Characteristics of NMR Spectroscopy

NMR spectra show many unique and advantageous characteristics, which are beneficial to the field of metabolomics. Some of the important features include:

  1. NMR is highly repeatable and quantitative.
  2. A single internal reference is sufficient for the absolute quantification of all metabolites in the spectrum.
  3. NMR can identify unknown metabolites.
  4. NMR can analyze complete biological fluids and tissues without sample separation or preparation.
  5. NMR is non-destructive, which means that the sample remains intact after analysis and can be reanalyzed later using NMR or other methods (such as MS).
  6. NMR can use various stable isotope-labeled precursors to track metabolic pathways and measure metabolic flux.
  7. NMR can detect metabolites through one or more atomic nuclei such as 1H, 13C, 31P, or 15N.
  8. NMR does not involve rigorous sample processing before or during analysis, which is important for analyzing fragile metabolites such as glutamine and coenzyme or sensitive to ionization voltage used in MS analysis.

Applications of NMR-based Metabolomics

  • Clinical research

Clinical physiopathology research

Pathogenesis studies

Treatment outcome testing

Clinical safety evaluation of drugs

Cellular metabolomics of plants

  • Nutrition research

Dietary intervention studies

Dietary biomarker discovery studies

  • Diet-related disease research

Food science research

Plant-based food quality and authenticity studies

Quality and authenticity studies of milk and meat

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Nagana Gowda G A, Raftery D. NMR-based metabolomics. Cancer Metabolomics: Methods and Applications. 2021: 19-37.
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