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RNA Transcription Regulation Analysis


Precise regulation of gene expression is essential for the formation and development of living organisms and the maintenance of various biological functions. Timely synthesis and regulated cessation of RNA are essential for cellular homeostasis. Modern science has found that less than 3% of the human genome is transcribed into mRNA molecules that are subsequently translated into proteins. In contrast, the majority of the genome is transcribed into RNA molecules with other unknown functions.

RNA Transcription Regulation AnalysisFigure 1. Cryo-EM Resolution Revolution. (Hanske, J. et al., 2018)

To understand the function and more complex life activities of individual RNA molecules, it is extremely necessary to resolve their three-dimensional structure and RNA transcriptional regulation at the level of atomic and molecular bonds. As a powerful tool for structural determination, cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) has superb capabilities in resolving the structures of biomolecules, enabling scientists to observe biomolecules at sub-nanometer resolution. Although many studies have been conducted in the past around transcriptional regulation mechanisms of genes, the analysis of Cryo-EM-based RNA transcriptional regulation remains a hot topic.

Creative Biostructure has established a complete process for high-resolution Cryo-EM technology. This will significantly improve the automation, reproducibility, and efficiency of RNA transcriptional regulation analysis from sample preparation to data collection and data processing. We are committed to helping you learn more about how RNA-protein complexes affect chromatin structure and regulate transcription, how RNA-protein complexes regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, and the systematic discovery and functional analysis of RNA targets.


  • Analysis of the structure of the pre-initiation complex composed of Pol III and TFIIIB
  • Analysis of the structure of the transcriptional regulatory complex INTAC

Our technical advantages

  • We have established a universal cryo-EM sample preparation method, which has improved sample preparation technology in terms of automation, controllability, and reproducibility.
  • We have established a highly automated cryo-EM platform to achieve a high data acquisition success rate and an exponential increase in acquisition and processing efficiency.
  • We have built a complete Cryo-EM platform for structure resolution, atomic model construction, and RNA transcriptional regulation analysis, reducing the time from data acquisition to atomic model construction by at least 25%.
  • We have established a Cryo-EM technology platform with a complete technology chain based on large-scale facilities, and we combine Cryo-EM with X-ray crystallography technology to develop a new generation of structural biology methods for RNA transcriptional regulation analysis.

Creative Biostructure has a unique and innovative approach to the key technologies of Cryo-EM technology in the application of RNA transcriptional regulation analysis, including sample preparation, data collection and processing, and structural analysis. You can contact us for information at any time.

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  1. Hanske J, et al. The cryo-EM resolution revolution and transcription complexes. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 2018. 52: 8-15.
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