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Analysis of Drug Delivery Systems


It is a difficult task to transport and deliver drug compounds in vivo to achieve the required efficacy and safety. The study of drug delivery has become an important topic in medical research and pharmaceutical industry. Today, drugs are formulated into a multi-component system, which not only contains active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) but also contains various excipients, namely pharmacological inert substances with adjustable characteristics. Such excipients can be used to adjust the solubility, improve the therapeutic index and efficiency (transport the API to a specific location in the body and control the release of the API through the nanostructure reservoir), achieve the repeatability of the dose, reduce rapid metabolism and excretion, reduce toxicity, eliminate possible side effects, and increase the chemical and physical stability of the drug during storage by preventing adverse changes (biodegradation, phase change and disproportionation), Sometimes it can also improve sensory properties.

Analysis of Drug Delivery Systems

Relying on SS NMR technology, Creative Biostructure provides customers with the subject-object component interaction analysis services of five drug delivery systems, including polymer, cyclodextrins, mesoporous silica materials, inorganic substances, and MOFs.

Technology Roadmap

In the analysis of drug and drug delivery (DD) system, we usually use 1H and 13C nuclei for multi-core MAS NMR, and less 15N, 19F, 29Si, 31P, 23Na, 43Ca and 77Se. Its application is mainly based on dipole correlation, spin diffusion and relaxation measurement. Our analysis objectives mainly include

  • 1D 13C Evaluation of polymorphism or crystallinity of API.
  • Standard 29Si SSNMR spectra to prove the functionalization of silica mesoporous materials.
  • 2D 1H-X cross-polarized heteronuclear correlation (CP-HETCOR) experiment, used to detect the association between amorphous drugs and DD matrix.
  • Relaxation measurement for analyzing molecular miscibility and estimating domain size.

Characterization of DDS Materials Based on Multidimensional SSNMR Technology

  • Two-dimensional related experiments

Such as spin diffusion, exchange and DQ-SQ experiments, can tell the dipole coupling and exchange reaction between different nuclei.

  • The rotating echo double resonance experiment (REDOR)

Detection of the distance between atoms according to the measurement of heteronuclear dipole coupling.

  • Dipolar chemical shift correlation spectrum (DIPSHIFT)

Quantitatively measures the 1H-X dipole effect of different X signals, and reflects the speed of X motion.

  • Dual orientation rotation (DOR) and multiple quantum MAS NMR (MQMAS)

DOR and MQMAS can make the quadrupole nucleus easy to analyze.

Parameters We Focus On

Paramagnetic effect

Chemical shift

Dipolar correlation

Spin diffusion

Relaxation measurement

Our Services

Analysis of Polymer-based Formulations

Creative Biostructure relies on our SSNMR technology to provide customers with local structure, conformation and kinetic analysis services between polymer excipients and APIs.

Analysis of Systems Containing Cyclodextrins

Based on 1H NMR, 13C NMR and 2D NMR, we provide customers with analytical services in the aspects of quantitative analysis of drugs in solid complexes and the interaction between API and CD.

Analysis of Systems with Mesoporous Silica Materials

We provide customers with analysis services of the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles in the API/MSN system and host-guest interaction mechanism based on the solid-state NMR spectrum.

Analysis of Systems with Inorganic Excipients

We use solid 13C, 1H single nuclear magnetic resonance and CP/MAS NMR spectra to provide customers with the analysis of drug delivery systems containing inorganic excipients, aiming to help customers clarify the intermolecular interaction in the system and the relationship between the excipient structure and the physical and chemical properties of drugs.

Analysis of Systems with MOFs

We provide customers with MOFs characterization services for drug delivery systems through different SSNMR spectra and provide information about framework structure, active center, surface position, host-guest interaction, and intermediate interaction.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

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