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NMR-Based Metabolic Phenotyping


Metabolic phenotype involves a comprehensive analysis of biological fluid or tissue samples. This analysis allows biochemical classification of individual physiological or pathological status, which is related to disease diagnosis or prognosis at an individual level and disease risk factors at the population level. NMR spectroscopy is a mature, universal and widely used analytical technique. It is one of the cornerstones of metabolic analysis, metabolomics, metabolomics and metabolic phenotype analysis. It applies to complex biological fluids and tissue samples.

The use of metabolic phenotype analysis has proved that it is possible to derive a new biochemical disease diagnosis assay and determine the combined biomarkers of the disease. In principle, it can be used to monitor the treatment effect. As an expert in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, Creative Biostructure uses advanced NMR methods to improve data resolution, increase the detection limit of metabolic phenotyping analytes, and reliably quantify the components in complex biological fluids and tissue matrices.

800 MHz 1H NMR spectra with water peak suppression of control human biofluids, urine, gall bladder bile, and blood plasma showing characteristically different biochemical profiles.Figure 1. 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra with water peak suppression of control human biofluids, urine, gall bladder bile, and blood plasma showing characteristically different biochemical profiles. (Lindon, 2018)

Sample Requirement

NMR has the advantage of being non-destructive and is also applicable to complete tissues using the magic angle rotation (MAS) method, and provides detailed information about molecular structure, especially in complex mixture analysis. In addition, NMR can also be used to detect molecular dynamics and concentration. Creative Biostructure is equipped with complete NMR equipment for metabolic performance analysis. We can use 1H, 13C, and 2D studies to analyze the metabolic phenotype of the following types of samples.

  • Cell extract or secretion.
  • Human and animal tissue and biopsy extracts.
  • Body fluids (blood, serum, plasma, pancreatic fluid, prostate fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, semen, digestive fluid, pathological fluid (such as capsule fluid), and drug delivery fluid (such as dialysis fluid), etc.).

If this method is to become a part of the mainstream clinical operation, of course, it is necessary to conduct a more rigorous evaluation of the biomarkers obtained in many small clinical studies and a more realistic evaluation of their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.

Our Services

  • Experimental project consultation and scheme design. Proposal of metabolic phenotype analysis scheme based on NMR was proposed. We will provide suggestions on the analysis plan, budget, and data analysis according to the target monitoring endpoint.
  • Sample extraction and storage. We provide sample processing and extraction services for metabolic phenotype analysis based on NMR. It includes tissue, body fluid and cell extraction scheme, sample freeze-drying scheme and equipment, and complete sample processing for NMR data collection. Sample storage is also provided.
  • Sample treatment plan. We will provide carefully designed and validated sample processing and extraction solutions for all users.
  • Complex NMR data and statistical analysis services. All NMR variables are analyzed simultaneously using the multivariable method.

Application of Metabolic Phenotype Analysis

  • Safety evaluation of preclinical drug candidates.

Definition of metabolic hyperspace occupied by normal samples.

Quickly and simply classify samples as normal or abnormal.

Target organ toxicity classification.

Action site and mechanism in organs.

Identification of biomarkers of toxic effects.

Time-process assessment of the impact, such as the occurrence, evolution and regression of toxicity.

  • Analysis of genetic differences and other physiological effects.
  • Disease diagnosis.
  • Population size research and analysis of biomarkers of disease risk.

Creative Biostructure is committed to providing high-quality NMR analysis services to advance the life sciences fields. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us and our customer service staff will help you the first time.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Lindon, J. C. NMR-based metabolic Phenotyping techniques and applications. Modern Magnetic Resonance. 2018, 2163-2187.
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