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Protein Cryo Crystallography Kits


The Creative Biostructure’s protein cryo crystallography kit provides a rapid and efficient screening tool to determine the solubility and optimal starting conditions for the crystallization of biological macromolecules in the presence of a cryoprotectant. The screening range and probing ability of this kit are comparable to those of the basic kit. A cryoprotectant is added to freeze crystals in an amorphous glass at 100.15K.

Protein Cryo Crystallography Kit

Features and Benefits:
• Comprehensive, efficient screening
• Stringent purity standards
• Prefabricated reagents, flow charts, and observation sheets
• Low incidence of undesirable solubility effects

When the cryoprotectant is mixed with the crystal and crystallization reagents, it will help crystal cool to cryogenic temperature with no ice formation or damage to the crystal. To assay for the proper concentration of cryoprotectant used to grow the crystal, one can mix the cryoprotectant with the crystallization reagents, using a desired cooling method.

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