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Mempro™ Functional Liposomes


Creative Biostructure is a specialty company in developing and manufacturing of liposomes, and we have established an innovative Mempro™ Liposome platform to provide a broad range of products and services to both academic and industrial clients. Creative Biostructure has been focusing on the development of novel fuctional liposomes for years.

Figure 1. Detailed representation of the process of conjugation of magnetic nanoparticles with anti-C. sakazakii IgG (a); reaction of immunomagnetic nanoparticles with C. sakazakii cells (b); and formation of immunoliposome-C. sakazakii-immunomagnetic nanoparticle complex (c). (S. Shukala, et al., 2016)Figure 1. Detailed representation of the process of conjugation of magnetic nanoparticles with anti-C. sakazakii IgG (a); reaction of immunomagnetic nanoparticles with C. sakazakii cells (b); and formation of immunoliposome-C. sakazakii-immunomagnetic nanoparticle complex (c). (S. Shukala, et al., 2016)

  • Mempro™ Immunoliposomes
    Immunoliposomes, also as known as antigen-sensitive liposomes, have been created to incorporate specific immunogens. Immunoliposomes have been extensively examined in the treatment of various diseases including cancers. Antibody-directed immunoliposomes can encapsulate non-active antitumor drugs into them and bear surface bounded enzymes which have a high-efficacy against ovarian cancer. As the entrapped cargo fused and released, the bound enzyme can cleave a specific portion from the drug in order to induce activity against the target cells. The particular efficiency of antibody-tagged immunoliposomes is based on the high antibody specificity for a single antigen (especially for mABs), a well defined chemistry, and greater biocompatibility when compared to some functional peptides/proteins.
  • Mempro™ Long Circulating Liposomes
    Liposomes which are used in drug delivery vehicles must maintain certain stablity in the blood circulation before they reach the specific targets. Liposomes have been attached PEG on their surface can be used to avoid rapid clearance by the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and allow prolonged time. PEG is a hydrophilic polymer with a variety of molecular weight depends on the number of monomer repeat units. PEG is non-biodegradable, but it does not form any metabolites, nor has a high toxicity. PEGs can be used as steric barriers to prevent interaction of opsonins and uptake by phagocytic cells since they have flexible chains which form “brushes” extended out from the surface. Long circulatiing liposomes are also known as “stealth liposomes” which have good solubility properties in aqueous environment.
  • Mempro™ pH-Sensitive Liposomes
    Creative Biostructure has developed a pH-sensitive liposome in order to control the delivery of encapsulated materials. In design of pH-sensitive liposomes, cholestryl hemisuccinate lipid has been widely used. This lipid is unprotonated at neutral pH, while protonated at an acidic pH. In its unprotonated form, cholestryl hemisuccinate lipid is able to stablize DOPE in a bilayer conformation, whereas, this formulation is destabilized at an acidic pH .

Besides these functional liposomes above, Creative Biostructure also provides other novel liposomes with different functions such as Mempro™ Proteoliposomes and Mempro™ Cationic Liposomes.

Depended on the different formulations, properties of liposomes can vary quite a lot. Creative Biostructure is your reliable scientific parter to develop and produce custom functional liposomes. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

S. Shukala, et al. (2016). Immunoliposome-based immunomagnetic concentration and separation assay for rapid detection of Cronobacter sakazakii. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 77: 986-994.
H. Jung, et al. (2015). Effective delivery of dopamine to brain using pegylated immunoliposome in Parkinson's disease animal model. Journal of Neurochemisitry, 134: 279-280.
H. Cui, et al. (2016). Intelligent release of cinnamon oil from engineered proteoliposome via stimulation of Bacillus cereus protease. Food Control, 67: 68-74.

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