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Mempro™ Nanodisc Application


Creative Biostructure has focused on the development of the nanodisc technology for years and established a magic Mempro™ Nanodisc platform to satisfy all your custom demands through the project. Together with our advanced Mempro™ Membrane Protein platform, we have applied Mempro™ Nanodisc technology in a series of fields to study membrane proteins as follows:

Mempro™ Nanodisc Application Figure 1. An improved antibody phage display protocol for membrane proteins exploiting nanodiscs, expanding the usability of the method to multiple challenging membrane protein systems. (Structure, 2016)

Creative Biostructure is expertized in membrane protein production and purification. It is well known that in order for some membrane proteins to function correctly, a specific lipid environment has to be present. Nanodiscs have proven to be an excellent membrane mimetic and solution to the difficulties of working with membrane proteins. Mempro™ Nanodisc technology can provide a native-like environment for isolating membrane proteins based on our cell-free production system.

Membrane proteins are especially difficult to crystallize since the lipid bilayer environment stabilizes their conformation. The 3D structure of most water-soluble proteins may be solved using NMR spectrometry with high-molecular mass being a limiting factor. Mempro™ Nanodisc technology offers a perfect water-soluble lipid membrane system for structural investigation of membrane proteins by the means of NMR.

Mempro™ Nanodisc has proven to be powerful model membranes with valuable information about membrane biophysics. Phase transition studies of our nanodiscs comprised of DPPC and DMPC have shown a broader phase transition and a higher temperature than liposomes by using differential scanning calorimetry and laurdan fluorescence, which means that fewer lipids are required for phase transitions in nanodiscs than in liposomes.

It is very important for a better understanding of the oligomerization of numerous integral membrane proteins including various receptors such as GPCRs. Mempro™ Nanodisc technology has been successfully applied in receptor production with different oligomeric states and the influence analysis of receptor oligomerization.

Investigating the binding between potential drug candidates and target membrane protein receptors is of great importance for drug development. Mempro™ Nanodisc technology can incorporate the membrane-anchored CYPs into nanodiscs as a potential tool to obtain these membrane proteins in a functionally active, soluble, and monodisperse form. We can apply localized surface plasmon resonance to perform ligand-binding studies.

Creative Biostructure also provides a wide range of Mempro™ Nanodisc products and services. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

P. K. Dominik, et al. (2016). Conformational Chaperones for Structural Studies of Membrane Proteins Using Antibody Phage Display with Nanodiscs. Structure,24: 300–309.
I. G. Denisov and S. G. Sligar. (2016). Nanodiscs for structural and functional studies of membrane proteins. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology,23: 481–486.
P. Hörnschemeyer, et al. (2016). Interaction Analysis of a Two-Component System Using Nanodiscs. Plos ONE, 11(2): e0149187.

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