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Structural Research of Amino Acid Secondary Transporters


Amino acid secondary transporters are a class of membrane proteins that play a crucial role in the transport of amino acids across the cell membrane. These transporters are essential for cellular processes such as protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and neurotransmitter signaling.

Glutamate acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter, and its precise control is critical for maintaining normal brain function and preventing excitotoxicity. Extracellular glutamate removal is achieved by plasma membrane-bound transporters that use an elevator mechanism to couple glutamate transport to potassium, sodium, and pH gradients. Glutamate transporters also conduct chloride ions through a channel-like process that is uncoupled from the thermodynamics of transport. Recent studies report cryo-EM structure of a glutamate transporter homologue in the open channel state, revealing the formation of an aqueous cavity during the glutamate transport cycle. Functional characterization of this cavity combined with molecular dynamics simulations revealed that it is an aqueous-accessible chloride permeation pathway gated by two hydrophobic regions.

GltPh can be trapped in an open channel conformation.Figure 1. GltPh can be trapped in an open channel conformation. (Chen I, et al., 2021)

ProteinOrganismMethodResolutionPDB Entry ID
LEUTAA Leucine transporter (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction1.65 Å2A65
LeuT Leucine transporter bound to inhibitors (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction1.85 Å2QEI
LeuT Leucine transporter bound to Tryptophan and Sodium (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.00 Å3F3A
LeuT Leucine transporter bound to Desipramine (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.90 Å2QJU
LeuT Leucine transporter bound to octylglucopyranoside (OG) (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.00 Å3GJD
F177R1 mutant of LeuT (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.25 Å3MPN
LeuT mutant F259V bound to sodium and L-tryptophan (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.63 Å3QS4
LeuT in the outward-open conformation in complex with Fab (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction3.10 Å3TT1
LeuT bound to L-leucine in space group C2 from lipid bicelles (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.50 Å3USG
LeuT in outward-facing Na+-free state, pH 6.5 (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.50 Å5JAE
LeuT, substrate bound in inward-facing occluded conformation (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.60 Å6XWM
LeuBAT (delta13 mutant) in complex with paroxetine (expressed in E. coli)Aquifex aeolicusX-ray diffraction2.89 Å4MM4
Glutamate transporter homolog (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.50 Å1XFH
GltPh K55C-A364C mutant crosslinked with divalent mercury (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.51 Å3KBC
Crosslinked GltPh V216C-M385C mutant (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.80 Å3V8F
GltPh in inward-facing apo form (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.25 Å4P19
276S/M395R-GltPh in inward-facing conformation (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction4.21 Å4X2S
GltPh L66C-S300C mutant crosslinked with divalent mercury (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction4.50 Å4IZM
GltPh, Outward-facing state, in complex with TBOA (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiCryo-EM single particle analysis3.66 Å6X17
GltPh, outward-facing state of the substrate-free Na+-only state (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction2.50 Å7AHK
GltPh with L-Asp & Na+, outward-facing state (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiCryo-EM single particle analysis3.08 Å6UWF
GltPh mutant - Y204L A345V V366A (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.38 Å6V8G
GltPh V216C-A391C mutant cross-linked in outward-facing state (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction3.65 Å6X01
GltPh mutant (S279E/D405N) in complex with aspartate and sodium ions (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiCryo-EM single particle analysis2.20 Å7RCP
Glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in complex with D-aspartate (expressed in E. coli)Thermococcus kodakarensisX-ray diffraction2.80 Å6R7R
Glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in sodium only condition (expressed in E. coli)Thermococcus kodakarensisCryo-EM single particle analysis3.22 Å6XWR
GltTk in complex with a photo switchable compound (expressed in E. coli)Thermococcus kodakarensisX-ray diffraction2.80 Å6ZLH
GltPh in complex with L-Asp (expressed in E. coli)Pyrococcus horikoshiiX-ray diffraction2.96 Å2NWL
Substrate-free glutamate transporter homologue (expressed in E. coli)Thermococcus kodakarensisX-ray diffraction3.00 Å4KY0
Substrate-free glutamate transporter homologue GltTk (expressed in E. coli)Thermococcus kodakarensisX-ray diffraction2.70 Å5DWY
MhsT multi-hydrophobic amino acid transporter, occluded inward-facing state (expressed in Lactococcus lactis)Alkalihalobacillus haloduransX-ray diffraction2.10 Å4US3

Table 1. Structural Research of Amino Acid Secondary Transporters.

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  1. Gotfryd K, et al. X-ray structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation reveals mechanism of substrate release. Nature Communications. 2020, 11(1): 1005.
  2. Chen I, et al. Glutamate transporters have a chloride channel with two hydrophobic gates. Nature. 2021, 591(7849): 327-331.
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