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Structural Research of Cyclooxygenases


Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthases (PGHSs), also known as cyclooxygenases (COXs), are bifunctional enzymes with both cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities and are key enzymes that catalyze the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.

X-ray crystallographic analysis has proven to be a powerful tool for studying COX active sites and revealing COX inhibitor binding patterns.

The three-dimensional structure of sheep subtype prostaglandin H2 synthase 1 has been determined by X-ray crystallographic studies. The protein consists of three separate folding units, the epidermal growth factor structural domain, the membrane binding pattern and the enzyme structural domain. The active site of the cyclooxygenase is formed by a long hydrophobic channel, which is also the binding site for nonsteroidal drugs. Based on the strong conformation of the membrane-binding pattern, the enzyme is a single membrane protein that is integrated into only one lobe of the lipid bilayer.

COX-1 is a key target for a large number of drugs used clinically to treat a variety of human diseases. the sheep isoform of COX-1 (oCOX-1) has been studied a dozen times crystallographically in complex with inhibitors and substrates. More difficult is the use of the human isoform (hCOX-1). A large number of folded and post-translationally modified hCOX-1 can be expressed using a baculovirus expression system for structural analysis. hCOX-1 crystals were subjected to X-ray diffraction experiments.

hCOX-1 shares very high sequence identity (92%) with oCOX-1 and, like the sheep enzyme, crystallizes in the hexagonal space group in the presence of lithium chloride and sodium citrate. hCOX-1 conformation is specific to two regions. The region between residues 270-290 is part of the loop around the heme site and does not appear to be directly involved in the electron transfer mechanism between prostaglandin G2 (PGG2) and the prostate moiety that occurs at this site. the region 70-110 links EGF to the membrane-bound structural domain and, therefore, is close to the substrate pocket.

Regions whose conformation is peculiar for hCOX-1.Figure 1. Regions whose conformation is peculiar for hCOX-1. (Miciaccia M, et al., 2021)

ProteinOrganismMethodResolutionPDB Entry ID
Ram Prostaglandin H2 synthase-1Ovis ariesX-ray diffraction3.50 Å1PRH
COX-1 in complex with bromoaspirinOvis ariesX-ray diffraction3.40 Å1PTH
COX-1 in complex with flurbiprofenOvis ariesX-ray diffraction3.10 Å1CQE
COX-1 in complex with ibuprofenOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.61 Å1EQG
COX-1 in complex with flurbiprofenOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.70 Å1EQH
COX-1 in complex with flurbiprofen methyl esterOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.75 Å1HT5
COX-1 in complex with alclofenacOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.69 Å1HT8
COX-1 in complex with O-actylsalicylhydroxamic acidOvis ariesX-ray diffraction3.20 Å1EBV
COX-1 in complex with alpha-methyl-4-biphenyl acetic acidOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.00 Å1Q4G
COX-1 in complex with Flurbiprofen + Mn (III) PPIX cofactor.Ovis ariesX-ray diffraction2.00 Å2AYL
R120Q/Native Cyclooxygenase-1 Heterodimer mutant in complex with flurbiprofenOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.75 Å3N8W
COX-1 in complex with nimesulideOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.75 Å3N8X
Aspirin Acetylated COX-1 in complex with DiclofenacOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.60 Å3N8Y
COX-1 in Complex with flurbiprofenOvis ariesX-ray diffraction2.90 Å3N8Z
Ram Prostaglandin H2 synthase-1 (expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda)Ovis ariesX-ray diffraction3.05 Å3N8V
COX-1 in complex with the subtype-selective derivative 2a (expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda)Ovis ariesX-ray diffraction3.35 Å7JXT
Ram Prostaglandin H2 synthase-1 (expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda)Homo sapiensX-ray diffraction3.36 Å6Y3C
Cyclooxygenase-2Mus musculusX-ray diffraction3.00 Å1CX2
Cyclooxygenase-2 with bound indomethacin-ethylenediamine-dansyl conjugateMus musculusX-ray diffraction2.22 Å6BL4
Cyclooxygenase-2 with bound indomethacin-butyldiamine-dansyl conjugateMus musculusX-ray diffraction2.22 Å6BL3
α-DOXArabidopsis thalianaX-ray diffraction1.51 Å4HHR
α-DOX (expressed in E. coli)Arabidopsis thalianaX-ray diffraction1.70 Å4HHA

Table 1. Structural Research of Cyclooxygenases.

X-ray crystallography is a technique that is widely used in structural biology. It is based on the principle of irradiating an X-ray beam onto a molecular crystal and then obtaining a high-precision image of the protein structure by measuring the resulting diffraction pattern. It is particularly suitable for analyzing the three-dimensional structure of membrane proteins.

If you need an accurate and comprehensive analysis and understanding of protein structure and function, choose Creative Biostructure's X-ray crystallography service. We use state-of-the-art X-ray crystallography equipment to provide high-resolution images of protein crystal structures, ensuring that you get the most accurate results. If you are interested in learning more about our protein structural analysis services, please contact us for more information.


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