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Solid-state NMR Services


NMR is a non-destructive method that provides information about chemical structure and dynamics with atomic resolution. Unlike solution-state NMR, which specializes in resolving the structure of small proteins and obtaining information on the dynamics of soluble materials, solid-state NMR (ssNMR) is a powerful technique for characterizing solid materials.

Creative Biostructure has experience in applying ssNMR to the basic chemical structure, spatial structure, and conformational analysis of organic and inorganic substances, polymers, natural drugs, small molecular weight proteins, and other substances. Not only can we help our customers obtain structural information such as chemical shifts and J-coupling, but also we can determine information such as the relative positions (including interatomic distances and orientations) between specific atoms in a sample. This information, especially for powder or film samples, is usually not available by other conventional means. In addition, we can provide solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers.

Solid-state MAS NMR structure of YadA-M.Figure 1. Solid-state MAS NMR structure of YadA-M. (Shahid, S.; et al. 2012)

Creative Biostructure is equipped with solid-state NMR probes of different sizes and frequency ranges, capable of characterizing and analyzing the chemical and spatial structure of small organic molecules, polymers, inorganic compound powders, polycrystalline, and single-crystal samples and membrane specimens in the 109Ag-15N and 15N-31P ranges. This allows us to study the reaction kinetics of solid-phase reactions, reaction mechanisms, and structural changes of specific species, which can widely meet the needs of researchers in the fields of inorganic materials, organic polymer materials (polymer solids), biological systems (membrane proteins), and liquid crystal materials. The ssNMR services we provide include but are not limited to:

Analysis Objects

Inorganic materials (glass, zeolite molecular sieve, etc.), organic polymer materials (polymer solids), biological systems (membrane proteins), liquid crystalline materials, etc.

Technical Features and Advantages

  • It is a non-destructive analysis.
  • Abundant structural information can be measured.
  • It enables in situ analysis of the kinetics of the corresponding physical processes, thus contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved.
  • The pulse program can be set according to the requirements of the information obtained so that the unwanted information can be purposefully and selectively suppressed and the desired information retained.


  • Protein structure analysis
  • Composition analysis and identification of mixtures
  • Analysis of the relationship between microstructure and function of materials
  • Studies of chemical kinetics, hydrogen bonding, or rate constants
  • Molecular structure and conformational studies of substances
  • Research and development of drugs and materials

Using ssNMR services provided by Creative Biostructure, customers can obtain information about the structural symmetry, dynamics, and interactions of molecules and complexes, which is very suitable for studying the microstructure and kinetic behavior of various types of amorphous solid materials, providing customers with structural information at the atomic and molecular levels. Please feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Ordering Process

Ordering Process


  1. Shahid S A.; et al. Membrane-protein structure determination by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of microcrystals. Nature Methods. 2012, 9(12): 1212-1217.
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