
Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) Technology


Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become a revolutionary tool in structural biology, allowing scientists to visualize macromolecules at near-atomic resolution. This powerful technique involves freezing biological samples at cryogenic temperatures, maintaining them in their native states. It is particularly valuable for studying proteins, viruses, and other complex macromolecular assemblies, making it an indispensable method in modern structural biology.

Principles and Instrumentation of Cryo-EM

Cryo-EM operates on the principle of electron microscopy, using an electron beam to illuminate a biological sample. In contrast to conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), where samples are exposed to room-temperature conditions, cryo-EM preserves biological structures by rapidly freezing them, typically in liquid ethane. This prevents water within the sample from crystallizing, keeping the sample hydrated and in a more native state.

The core components of a cryo-EM setup include:

Electron Source: High-energy electron beams are generated, often using a field emission gun (FEG) to achieve high-resolution imaging.

Cryo-Holder: The sample is placed on a grid and frozen in vitreous ice. The cryo-holder maintains the sample at extremely low temperatures (~ -180°C) throughout the imaging process.

Electron Optics: Electrons pass through the sample, and electromagnetic lenses focus and magnify the image.

Direct Electron Detectors: These high-speed, highly sensitive detectors capture scattered electrons, enabling precise data acquisition.

The combination of these components allows for high-resolution imaging of biological samples without the need for crystallization.

Diagram of an electron microscope.Figure 1. Schematic representation of an electron microscope (Raimondi et al., 2022).

Workflow of Cryo-EM

The cryo-EM process begins by preparing the sample, typically a protein or large macromolecular complex, in an aqueous solution. A small volume of the sample is applied to a grid, which is then rapidly frozen in liquid ethane. This rapid freezing vitrifies the water, preserving the sample in a near-native state.

Once frozen, the sample is transferred into the microscope's cryo-holder, and images are captured at multiple angles using the electron beam. The resulting images are 2D projections of the sample. Computational algorithms reconstruct these 2D images into a 3D model using a technique known as single-particle analysis. The final 3D map provides insights into the molecular architecture of the sample at near-atomic resolution.

Procedure of cryo-EM: sample preparation, imaging, 2D projections and 3D reconstruction.Figure 2. Cryo-electron microscopy (EM) workflow. A purified sample is applied to the grid and then vitrified with liquid ethane. Particles embedded in the thin ice will have various random orientations, which are imaged by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) followed by motion correction and contrast transfer function (CTF) determination/correction. Individual particles are selected and aligned for two-dimensional (2D) class average. Three-dimensional (3D) classification and further iterative refinement of 3D reconstruction will finally provide the high-resolution cryo-EM structure (Chung and Kim, 2017).

Advantages of Cryo-EM

Cryo-EM offers several key advantages:

Table 1. Advantages of Cryo-EM technique.

No Need for Crystallization Unlike X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM does not require the formation of crystals, allowing scientists to study structures that are difficult or impossible to crystallize.
Near-Native State By freezing samples quickly, cryo-EM maintains biological macromolecules in their natural environment, preserving conformational flexibility and preventing damage from radiation.
High Resolution With recent advances in electron detectors and image processing algorithms, cryo-EM can now achieve near-atomic resolution, making it a valuable tool for structural biologists.

Limitations of Cryo-EM

However, cryo-EM also has limitations:

Table 2. Limitations of Cryo-EM technique.

Radiation Sensitivity Biological samples are highly sensitive to electron radiation, and minimizing this damage while still capturing high-quality images remains a challenge.
Complex Data Processing The computational analysis required to reconstruct 3D models from 2D projections is complex and time-consuming, requiring specialized software and significant computational power.
Size Limitations Cryo-EM is less effective for studying very small molecules (<100 kDa) due to limitations in resolution and image quality for smaller structures.

Applications of Cryo-EM

Cryo-EM has had a profound impact on structural biology, enabling researchers to study a wide range of biological structures. Notable applications include:

Protein Structure Determination: Cryo-EM has been pivotal in determining the structure of large protein complexes, such as ribosomes, ion channels, and membrane proteins. These structures provide critical insights into molecular mechanisms.

Virus Structure Elucidation: Cryo-EM has been extensively used to study the architecture of viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, aiding in the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs.

Conformational Studies: Cryo-EM allows for the visualization of different conformational states of dynamic macromolecular complexes, offering insights into their functional mechanisms.

Drug Discovery: Structural information obtained from cryo-EM is increasingly being used in drug discovery, helping design small molecules that target specific proteins or protein complexes.

Study biological macromolecular structures with cryo-EM.Figure 3. Examples of cryo-EM macromolecular reconstructions (A) An average of aligned frames of the rotavirus double-layered particle and 3D reconstruction of an extracted subunit. On the right are shown the effects of electron damage on a segment of the polypeptide chain. (B) Structure of the TrpV ion channel with class averages on the left, structure without (EMD-5778) and with ligands (blue and red; EMD-5777) in the middle, details of fitted α-helices and β-strands on the right. (C) Subtomogram averaging of Gag protein from RSV retrovirus. On the left, averaged slices through the tomogram of immature viral particles (EMD-3102). In the right dashed box, subtomogram average of a Gag subunit with the fitted secondary structure (EMD-3101) (Carroni and Saibil, 2016).

In summary, cryo-electron microscopy has revolutionized structural biology by enabling high-resolution visualization of biological macromolecules in their native states. Its advantages, including the ability to study non-crystallized structures and preserve native conformations, make it indispensable in modern biological research. Despite challenges such as radiation sensitivity and complex data processing, cryo-EM continues to grow in popularity, with applications ranging from protein structure determination to virus architecture and drug discovery. As technology continues to advance, cryo-EM is expected to play an even more critical role in understanding biological systems at the molecular level.

Creative Biostructure offers advanced cryo-EM services, enabling you to unlock detailed structural insights crucial for your research and development projects. With cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team of experts, we are committed to helping you achieve breakthrough discoveries. Contact us today to learn more about our cryo-EM services and find the optimal solution for your structural biology research.


  1. Chung, J.-H., & Kim, H. M. (2017). The nobel prize in chemistry 2017: High-resolution cryo-electron microscopy. Applied Microscopy, 47(4), 218–222.
  2. Carroni, M., & Saibil, H. R. (2016). Cryo electron microscopy to determine the structure of macromolecular complexes. Methods, 95, 78–85.
  3. Raimondi, V., Grinzato, A., Raimondi, V., & Grinzato, A. (2022). A basic introduction to single particles cryo-electron microscopy. AIMS Biophysics, 9(1), 5–20.
  4. Wang, Z., Zhang, Q., & Mim, C. (2021). Coming of age: Cryo-electron tomography as a versatile tool to generate high-resolution structures at cellular/biological interfaces. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(12), 6177.

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