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MagHelix™ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Products


Scientists from Creative Biostructure have extensive experience in specimen preparation for TEM. And we also provide various products for the preparation procedures.

Transmission Electron Microscopy Products

Products Brief description Categories
Conjugates Labeling of proteins for electron microscopy detection. Gold conjugate
Silver enhancing kits
Blocking reagents
Wax products Embedding of specimen for section Resin
EM films Electron microscope imaging Kodak/carestream electron microscope film
IIford emulsions for autoradiography
Supporting films Films being extremely thin and highly transparent to electrons for specimens supporting Carbon films
Formvar films
Pioloform films
Formvar carbon films
Grapheme oxide support films
Suspended monolayer graphene
Silicon nitride membrane
Silicon dioxide films
Staining Blocking of grids for negative staining Lead citrate
Uranyl acetate
Phosphotungstic acid
Methylamine tungstate
Tissue processing chemicals Fixation of tissues Glutaraldehyde
Osmium tetroxide
Propylene oxide
Ruthenium tetroxide

TEM is a microscopy technology technique where an electron beam is transmitted through ultrathin specimen, interacting with the specimen as the electron beam passes through it, resulting in the formation of living image. Then the image is magnified and focused onto an imaging device, such as a fluorescent screen, on a layer of photographic film, or to be detected by a sensor such as a CCD camera. All samples prepared for TEM must be small and thin enough to be electron transparent, which is comparable to the mean free path of the electrons that travel through the samples. In addition, all water must be removed from the samples as the TEM requires vacuum environment.

Some products (such as films and wax) have different sizes: please feel free to contact us for any inquiries. Creative Biostructure also provides various custom UniCrys™ membrane protein crystallization services and products for SEM and cryo-EM. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed information.

M. A. Haque and M. T. A. Saif (2001). In-situ tensile testing of nano-scale specimens in SEM and TEM. Experimental Mechanics , 42 : 123.
Transmission electron microscopy. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_electron_microscopy).

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