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ARHGEF7 Protein Crystal(CBCRY28)

Product Summary
Name ARHGEF7 Protein Crystal
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Cat No. CBCRY28
Fragment SH3 domain
Protein Description Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 7
Background Rho GTPases play a fundamental role in numerous cellular processes that are initiated by extracellular stimuli that work through G protein coupled receptors. The encoded protein belongs to a family of cytoplasmic proteins that activate the Ras-like family of Rho proteins by exchanging bound GDP for GTP. It may form a complex with G proteins and stimulate Rho-dependent signals. This protein can induce membrane ruffling. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described for this gene, but some of their full-length sequences have not been determined.
Protein Classification Signaling Protein
Structure Weight 15255.28 Da
Method X-Ray Diffraction
Resolution 2.01Å
Ligand Chemical Component Chloride ion; Mercury ion
Reference Li, X., Liu, X., Sun, F., Gao, J., Zhou, H., Gao, G.F., Bartlam, M., Rao, Z. (2006) Crystal structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain of mouse betaPIX, p21-activated kinase-interacting exchange factor Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 339: 407-414

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