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Liposome Analysis and Characterization


Creative Biostructure utilizes a wide range of techniques for liposome analysis based on our comprehensive Liposome Platform. Determination of various liposome properties are often desired during development of a specific product or process.

Measurements such as the entrapped aqueous volume per unit of phospholipid provides useful information to predict the entrapment efficiency of the population. The concentration of the phospholipids and the encapsulated contents are also crucial characteristics of liposomal systems and are required to calculate liposomal yields, costs, and optimise processes. Creative Biostructure employs various methods to characterize the liposome solution and the drug-loaded liposomes.

Liposome Analysis and Characterization Figure 1. Characterization of the magnetic nanocarrier system. The liposome size was characterized by DLS. (G. Mikhaylov, et al ., 2011)

Our analysis and characterization services include but are not limited to:

Liposome Analysis Project Process

Liposome Analysis and Characterization

Besides Liposome Analysis and Characterization, Creative Biostructure is more than happy to provide you other Liposome Technology based products and services. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

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  1. Y. Yoon, et al . (2014). Ultrasound-mediated gene and drug delivery using a microbubble-liposome particle system. Theranostics , 4(11): 1133-1144.
  2. G. Mikhaylov, et al . (2011). Ferri-liposomes as an MRI-visible drug-delivery system for targeting tumours and their microenvironment. Nature Nanotechnology , 6(9): 592-604.
  3. A. Akbarzadeh, et al . (2013). Liposome: classification, preparation, and applications. Nanoscale Research Letters, 8: 102.
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